The Fertile Crescent Chapter 2
Section 1 ziggurat
Section 1 Mesopotamia, located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, had rich soil and plentiful water. Sumerian cities were well developed, had high walls to keep out invaders, large temples, houses, busy shops, markets, and royal palaces. Sumerians worshiped at temples called ziggurats; they practiced polytheism (worshiping multiple gods).
Section 2
Section 2 Assyria was an empire of skilled warriors that stretched across the Fertile Crescent. It’s capital, Nineveh, became a city of great learning. Later, New Babylonia was created under the Chaldeans. King Nebuchadnezzar II rebuilt the city of Babylon.
Section 2 The empires of Babylonia and Assyria were the two most important empires of Mesopotamia. The empire of Babylonia united the cities of Sumer and stretched all the way to Asia Minor; it was a great military power and center of trade.
Section 3
Hammurabi’s Code – A written code of laws followed by Babylonians – The punishment equaled the crime – Laws were applied unequally depending on the victim’s class The development of writing allowed people to clearly state laws and keep records.
Section 4
The Phoenicians developed an empire through trade along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The Israelites – Abraham led the Israelites from Mesopotamia to Canaan. – Most fled to Egypt during the famine. – After years of forced slavery, they were lead back to Canaan by Moses and others. – Kings Saul and David reclaimed Canaan and unified the Israelite nation.
Tomb of King David
Section 5 Basic beliefs of Ancient Judaism – God promised Abraham that his people would become kings and build nations. – Believed in the holy book called the Torah. – Believed in one all powerful God that was everywhere.