Definition Cost-benefit analysis is a systematic approach to estimating the strength and weakness of alternatives that satisfy transactions, activities or functional requirements for a business. You can use this technique when: Deciding whether to hire new team members Evaluating a new project or change initiative. Determining the feasibility of a capital purchases
Method Brainstorm the costs and benefits that associated with the project including:- Unexpected cost and benefits. Cost and benefits over the time. Assign a Monetary Value to the Costs such as:- Human effort. ○ Training cost ○ Productivity ○ Additional staff Physical resource needed. Assign a Monetary Value to the Benefits Revenue, Intangible, Soft, benefits. Compare Value of Costs and Benefits Compare the two value to determine whether your benefit outweigh your cost Consider the payback time Total cost - total revenue (benefits) = ( - = loss, + =profits)
Example Stamping machine ○ Overlooked costs: Floor Space -Will the machine fit in the same space currently occupied by the three workers? Installation -What will it cost to remove the manual stampers and install the new machine? -Will you have to cut a hole in a wall to let it in or will it fit through the door? -Will you need special rollers or machinists with special skills to install it? Operator? -Somebody has to operate the machine -Does this person need a special training? -What will the operator’s salary, including overhead cost? Environment -Will the new machine be so noisy that you have to build sound proofing around it? -Will the new machine increase the insurance premiums for the company?
Calculation Cost benefits analysis 1. Purchase of Machine $ 20, Installation of machine $ 3, Raise revenue $ 27, Quality increase revenue $ Reduce material cost $ Reduce labour cost $ 18, New operator – $8, Utilities $ Insurance $ Square footage(floor space) $ Net saving per month = $ 15,715