Chapter 12 Visual Impairments 12 Visual Impairments Lauren J. Lieberman C H A P T E R
Definition of Visual Impairment Visual impairment, including blindness, is a deficiency in vision that, even when corrected, adversely affects a child’s educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blind- ness (Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services, 2006).
Types of Vision Loss Congenital –Albinism –Retinitis of prematurity (ROP) –Cortical visual impairment Adventitious (Note: These are also progressive eye conditions.) –Macular degeneration –Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) –Glaucoma –Cataracts
Affective and Social Characteristics Blindisms (self-stimulation) Overprotection Increased dependence Decreased opportunities for socialization Other?
Motor, Physical, and Fitness Characteristics CharacteristicImplicationSolution Motor delays Postural deviations Body image Balance delay Shuffling gait Decreased health-related fitness
Social Characteristics CharacteristicImplicationSolution Decreased social opportunities Decreased friendships
Inclusion Strategies Equipment modification Team teaching –Peer tutors –Paraeducators –Adapted physical education specialist Curriculum inclusion of open and closed sport activities (continued)
Inclusion Strategies (continued) Rule modifications Environmental modifications Other?
Fostering Independence Maintain a positive attitude about the student with the visual impairment. Encourage participation in all activities. Help parents see the child’s abilities. Challenge the student at all times. Expect the student to be independent. Other ideas to foster independence?
Teaching Techniques Verbal explanation and instruction Demonstration and modeling Physical guidance and physical assistance Tactile modeling Sound devices Visual cues Products from APH
Guide-Running Techniques Sighted guide Tether Guide wire Sound source Circular running Sighted guide with bright shirt Independent running Treadmill
Sport Opportunities Inclusive sports –Intramural –Interscholastic –Community based United States Association of Blind Athletes International Blind Sport Federation National Beep Baseball Association Summer sport camps for children with visual impairments Other?