Objectives To understand that CPD should be based on both development planning and the needs of individual learners To be able to plan a CPD programme
Background 16 candidates have achieved the HDP qualification in Finote-Selam TEI SMT requested a CPD programme for those candidates Since no programme exists, we are developing our own based on the college development plan And the needs of the learners
CPD after HDP What is the purpose and value of CPD after HDP? In groups discuss and record on flipchart sheet.
Development Planning Discuss the following questions: Does your institution have a development plan? Who writes it? Did you have an input? How are all staff involved in implementing it?
Needs Analysis StrengthsAreas for development Planning teaching and assessment The curriculum Progress of students Monitoring and supervision School/community links
Individual Learning Needs For 20minutes work in groups to create 10 questions to assess the needs of individual learners. e.g. What is included in a good lesson plan? or How would you carry out a successful lesson observation?
Creating a CPD programme! Use your development plan Analyse individual needs Ennimar!