Working Hours Utilities
An easy to use tool that helps maintain your company resources (setup working hours for users, update when facilities and equipment are available). With Working Hours Utilities you can: –Add/Update Weekly Schedule for a range of your resources –Add/Update One Day Schedule for a range of resources –Copy Weekly Schedule from one calendar to another –Remove Weekly Schedule from Microsoft Dynamics CRM –Add Time Off information to your resources calendars
Add / Update Weekly Schedule Wizard Add / Update Weekly Schedule Wizard
Select the working hours procedure you wish to complete. Appropriate wizard will guide you through the procedure.
Select resources for which you want to modify calendar data by adding or modifying Weekly Schedule. Specify users and/ or facilities and equipment.
Specify information for Weekly Schedule. -Start and End Date - Work days - Work Hours - Business Closures
Set the hours the resources can be scheduled. Use Add Break button to add break for resource.
Set service restriction that will apply to resources during Weekly Schedule.
Preview the records to be processed. Double-click on product to open record in Dynamics CRM.
Verify the settings you have selected. Use “Back” button if you wish to make any changes.
Wizard will start processing. Use “Show Reports” to see details in case there were any errors.
If you want to run another wizard you need to run Working Hours Utilities again.
Add/Update One Day Schedule Wizard
Let’s see how you can Add/Update One Day Schedule for range of your company resources.
Select resources for which you want to modify calendar data by adding or modifying One Day Schedule. Specify users and/ or facilities and equipment.
Set the hours the resources can be scheduled. Use Add Break button to add break for resource.
Set service restriction that will apply to resources during One Day Schedule.
Preview the records to be processed. Double-click on product to open record in Dynamics CRM.
Verify the settings you have selected. Use “Back” button if you wish to make any changes.
Wizard will start processing. If there were any errors Use “Show Reports” to see details.
If you want to run another wizard you need to run Working Hours Utilities again.
Copy Weekly Schedule Wizard
Let’s see how you can copy Weekly Schedule.
Specify resources you want to copy Weekly Schedule for.
Specify a resources you want to copy Weekly Schedule from.
Preview the records to be processed. Double-click on product to open record in Dynamics CRM.
Verify the settings you have selected. Use “Back” button if you wish to make any changes.
Wizard will start processing. If there were any errors Use “Show Reports” to see details.
If you want to run another wizard you need to run Working Hours Utilities again.
Remove Weekly Schedule Wizard
Let’s see how you can remove existing Weekly Schedule from your resources calendar.
Enter resources for which you want to update calendar data.
Enter restrictions to limit Weekly Schedules that will be removed.
Preview the records to be processed. Double-click on product to open record in Dynamics CRM.
Verify the settings you have selected. Use “Back” button if you wish to make any changes.
Wizard will start processing. If there were any errors Use “Show Reports” to see details.
If you want to run another wizard you need to run Working Hours Utilities again.
Add Time Off Wizard
Let’s see how you add a Time Off information for range of your resources.
Enter resources for which you want to update calendar data.
Enter information for a Time Off.
Preview the records to be processed. Double-click on product to open record in Dynamics CRM.
Verify the settings you have selected. Use “Back” button if you wish to make any changes.
Wizard will start processing. If there were any errors Use “Show Reports” to see details.
If you want to run another wizard you need to run Working Hours Utilities again.
Working Hours Utilities With DPS Working Hours Utilities you can: –Add/Update Weekly Schedule for a range of your resources –Add/Update One Day Schedule for a range of resources –Copy Weekly Schedule from one calendar to another –Remove Weekly Schedule from Microsoft Dynamics CRM –Add Time Off information to your resources calendars