Presenters: Dr. Vivian Schoner Dr. Catherine Schryer Katrina Strampel “A More Capacious” Definition of Scholarship: the Carnegie Academy and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at the University of Waterloo
Capacious The scholarship of discovery; the scholarship of integration; the scholarship of application; and the scholarship of teaching?
Scholarship of Teaching The facilitation of the transfer (negotiation) of the art and science of a discipline from expert to novice Evidence of scholarship: learning theory development, external reviews, textbooks, outcome studies, peer reviewed publications and presentations
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching What does it do? Why should we belong? Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Carnegie Campus Program CASTL
Carnegie/AAHE Partners Affiliate Program Partners Affiliate Program Carnegie Scholars Program University of Waterloo: Teaching Based Research Group
SOTL in the Research University: Ideas for Discussion Why make SOTL a part of the research agenda in higher education? Some issues: To establish SOTL as a legitimate field of enquiry To develop a core of discipline-based research on strategic teaching and learning practices To promote SOTL as a viable research component of the promotion and tenure process
Challenges Appropriate recognition Researching your own practice Others?