EXPRESS YOURSELF. NEUTRAL ACCENT Neutral accent is a way of speaking a language without regionalism. Accent means variation in pronunciation and it should.


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Presentation transcript:


NEUTRAL ACCENT Neutral accent is a way of speaking a language without regionalism. Accent means variation in pronunciation and it should sound global. By speaking in neutral English, we can make people to understand us better.


PRONOUNCIATION Pronunciation is the way a word or a language is spoken, or the manner in which someone utters a word. Vowels have different pronunciations when compared to consonants. It depends upon the manner in which we use our tongue and lips to pronounce a letter or a word.

STRESS There are two types of stress : 1.WORD STRESS-changing stress in word will change the meaning of the word. Verbs stress on second syllable. Nouns stress on first syllable. Stress can also be on suffixes. It can also be before suffixes.

STRESS 2.SENTENCE STRESS-Two Types :  Content words-these are the words which has a proper, verbs, adverbs, adjective.  Structure words-these are the words which are effective transitions that establish logical relationships between, pronoun, conjuctions and articles.

INTONATION Defined as a music or rhythm of a particular language. It also indicates the mood and modulation in the tone of the speaker. And it also indicates rise and fall of the voice in speaking.

INTONATION Two types of intonation :  RAISING-this type of intonation denotes open ended question statements where the pitch of the voice raises with time.  FALLING –this type intonation describes the closed ended question statements where the pitch of the voice falls with time.  FALL-RISE–here the pitch of the voice falls and then rises with time.

WAYS TO IMPROVE SPEAKING SKILLS  Accents.  Finding your voice.  The effect of breath on voice and speech.  Vocal production.  Frequently communicating in English with friends, boss and others.