Math Group Madness Presented By: Sarah Beth Campbell- 2 nd grade Sheena Wisnasky – Instructional Facilitator
We Want to Know More About You! How many of you do guided reading in your classrooms?
We Want to Know More About You! How long is your math block?
We Want to Know More About You! How many of you find it difficult to find intervention/enrichment time to work with individual students in your math block?
We Want to Know More About You! How many of you use RTI in your schools?
We Want to Know More About You! Do any of you currently use math groups in your classroom?
We Want to Know More About You! What grades do you teach?
Myths about Math Groups ?
Busy work Chaotic for students and teachers Unfair different lesson for each child High preparation vs. low preparation
What are math groups?
Math Groups Small group math instruction is very much like reading groups
Why do we do math groups? To meet the instructional needs of all students - ability-homogenous based on skill deficits -learning styles
How do we form our math groups? Universal Screeners Pre-Assessments (beginning of year- 1 st way we group) Formative/Common Assessments (throughout school year) Benchmarks created by the district (administered 3 times a year)
How do we organize our math groups?
How do our children know where to go? Teachers can tell the students from day to day what group they will be working with Teachers can use a station rotation board (a visual for students to see)
WisnaskyHuntTaylorIndependent Monday HexagonsTrapezoidsTrianglesSquares Tuesday SquaresHexagonsTrapezoidsTriangles Wednesday TrianglesSquaresHexagonsTrapezoids Thursday TrapezoidsTrianglesSquaresHexagons Math Group Rotations
Where do we house the materials? The independent group retrieves materials from math center or any open area in the room. Make sure to designate 1 area and be consistent.
Groups 3 or 4 groups- This will depend on the number of adults available and the number of days available.
Kindergarten You may have 0-1 independent groups depending on students/needs/abilities.
1 st Grade You will have at least 1 independent group.
2 nd Grade You may have 1-2 independent groups depending on students/needs/abilities.
How do we do math groups?
What is the teacher teaching? The group working with the classroom teacher should be working on new concepts being taught that week but at the level of the students in the group The teacher could also be front-loading concepts that will be taught the next week.
What is the instructional assistant/intern teaching? The group working with the instructional assistant/ intern will be working on previously taught concepts. These should be concepts your students need additional assistance with.
Group 1 – Classroom Teacher/ Instructional Assistant
What is the co-teacher teaching? The group working with the co-teacher (ELL/EC) will be working on anything that the co-teacher feels her students being served need. Other students who are not served in these areas still benefit from this instruction. * Co-teachers can plan for their own groups. Collaboration is still required. *
Group 2 – Instructional Assistant/ Co-Teacher/Intern
So What About My Independent Group? A specific task given by teacher (something previously practiced that will be a review A choice from various math tubs within your classroom
Group 3 – Independent Group
Number Sense Dice Addition Roll the die and write the number shown. Roll the die again and write the next number. Practice with counting on. Use dice with dots representing numbers Use dice with numbers Students can write a story using one of their number sentences
Geometry Polygons Sort open/closed figure cards Sort the polygon/not polygon cards Sort the polygon cards according to the type of shape it is Use sorting circle to sort VanDeWall Shapes Use accountability sheets to check for understanding
What questions do you have?
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