The Amazing Lord Byron
Basic Facts Born: > Died 1824 Disability: Club foot - > Self conscious / Weight problem - > Bulimia First modern-style celebrity “Byronmania”
Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage Semi-Autobiographical narrative poem First 2 cantos published in 1812 Byron “Woke up famous”
Travel and Writing in Portugal and Greece - > Debt 5 years in England enjoying fame Leaves after a bad break up Continues Childe Harold in Belgium, meets Shelleys To Italy in 1817 where he writes Don Juan (satire) Went to fight for Grecian War of Independence in 1823, gets fever, dies Live fast, die young.
His Awesomeness Got more action than Bruce Willis in a Michael Bay film Definitely Bisexual Probably started at 9 with nanny Defied authority all the time University said no to his dog so he got a pet bear instead An English dude has a Greek national holiday!
The Late Romantics Percy Bysshe Shelley Mary Shelley John Keats Over 20 associated writers
His Legacy: The Byronic Hero Based on Childe Harold Intelligent, clever Dark secret past Heart breaker Dislikes society, resists authority Does good but doesn’t care about credit