Business Acceleration Program Fall 2015 Session 12 December 10, 2015
Check in
Course Outline Weeks – Long Term Focus Weeks – Quarterly to Monthly Focus Weeks – Nuts and Bolts of running your business Weeks – Gaining Traction
8 Questions from Traction What are your core values? What is your core focus? What is your 10 year target? What is your marketing strategy? What is your 3 year picture? What is your 1 year plan? What are your quarterly Rocks? What are your issues?
Gaining Traction Principles from Traction by Gino Wickman
What goes in first?
Priorities Rocks – Your main priorities Gravel – Day to Day responsibilities Sand – Interruptions Water – Everything else
What are “Rocks”? 3 to 7 most important priorities for the company to handle in the next 90 days –Company Rocks –Individual Rocks
Traction Vision 3 Year Plan 1 Year Plan 90 Day “Rocks” Action Steps – To Do List Weekly Meeting Pulse
Traction Meetings Annual Meeting – Planning Session Quarterly Meetings –90 Day “Rock” Review –Set new “Rocks” for upcoming quarter Weekly Meetings –Keep initiatives on track and moving forward
Weekly Meeting Agenda Seque – 5 minutes Scorecard – 5 minutes Rock Review – 5 minutes Customer/Employee Headlines – 5 minutes To Do List – 5 minutes IDS (Issue Solving) - 60 minutes Conclude – 5 minutes
Scorecard What you can measure, you can manage Scorecard is 5 – 15 high level weekly numbers Everyone has a number
Issue Solving Framework IDS Identify Discuss Solve
Identify Prioritize most important issues What’s the real issue?
3 Types of Issues True problem to be solved Information that needs to be communicated, and agreed on by the team Idea/Opportunity that needs brainstorming, feedback, insight or a green light by the team
Be open and honest
Discuss Stay focused Get everything on the table Say it once – no politicking Aim for the greater good of the company and vision – not just one department or person
Tangent Alert! Tangent: –Diverging from an original purpose or course. –Irrelevant
Solve 3 Types of Resolutions Issue is solved – action Issue is awareness – communication and agreement Issue needs more research or facts
The 10 Commandments of Solving Issues* 1.Thou shalt not rule by consensus 2.Thou shalt not be a weenie 3.Thou shalt be decisive 4.Thou shalt not rely on secondhand information 5.Thou shalt fight for the greater good 6.Thou shalt not try to solve them all 7.Thou shalt live with it, end it, or change it 8.Thou shalt choose short-term pain and suffering 9.Thou shalt enter the danger 10.Thou shalt take a shot * From Traction, by Gino Wickman
Action for the week Traction Finish your Vision Traction Organizer and send. Action Keep working on your budget, sales goals and metrics, marketing plan, and systems list Be consistent with meetings and planning time
Next Week Traction –Rocks –Issues –Meetings
Contact and Connect Linnea Blair Office: Web: Twitter: AdvisorOnTarget