Players in the protein game
Amino Acids
Codons Each condon has 3 bases and they pair with their match
Chromosomes Are tightly wound coils of DNA. Chromosomes can be seen in a light microscope but in order to see the DNA you have to have a high powered mircroscope
DNA All dna does is make protein
Genes Each gene codes for one protein
MRNA Makes a copy of the dna is a single strand
Nucleus Is where all DNA is found
Proteins We contain more than 2,000,000 different proteins. They are built inside cells using Dna code however it folds that’s the what it does.
Ribosomes Ribosomes translate the mRNA, written in the language of genes, into amino acids, the language of proteins. They also match nucleic acids with their partner
RNA polymers and tRNA Enzyme on one end of a trna it has 3 nitrogenous bases and on the other end it has the amino acid. We have 20 amino acids. anticodon