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Contents Lesson 1-1Points, Lines, and Planes Lesson 1-2Linear Measure and Precision Lesson 1-3Distance and Midpoints Lesson 1-4Angle Measure Lesson 1-5Angle Relationships Lesson 1-6Polygons
Lesson 1 Contents Example 1Name Lines and Planes Example 2Model Points, Lines, and Planes Example 3Draw Geometric Figures Example 4Interpret Drawings
Example 1-4a How many planes appear in this figure? Answer: There are two planes: plane S and plane ABC.
Example 1-4b Name three points that are collinear. Answer: Points A, B, and D are collinear.
Example 1-4c Are points A, B, C, and D coplanar? Explain. Answer: Points A, B, C, and D all lie in plane ABC, so they are coplanar.
Example 1-4d Answer: The two lines intersect at point A. At what point do and intersect?
Example 1-4e a. How many planes appear in this figure? Answer: two
Example 1-4f b. Name three points that are collinear. Sample answer: A, X, and Z
Example 1-4g c. Are points X, O, and R coplanar? Explain. Answer: Points X, O, and R all lie in plane T, so they are coplanar.
Example 1-4h Answer: R d. At what point do and intersect?
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