Multi Service Multi Domain C2 André Oliveira TEKEVER ASDS Role: Coordinator Proposal activity: SEC-20-BES-2016: Border Security: autonomous systems and control systems, enhanced command and control systems Disclaimer: with the submission of this presentation the consent is given by its author for the organisers to distribute the presentation. SMIG January
Proposal idea/content Develop, characterize and test building blocks for a multi- domain, multi-service, multi-role C2 system based on a state of the art architecture (e.g. NATO MDCS). Building block examples include, among others (TBC according to consortium expertise and interest): HMI blocks (3D visualization, haptic inputs, augmented reality) RVT or even CS based on tablets and smartphones Initialization and discovery protocols Autonomous cross-tasking and queuing between domains and platforms blocks A library of the characterized building blocks will be created for use by a C2 system designer (pick and mix). Each block must support at least one or two border surveillance business use cases SMIG January
Proposal idea/content SMIG Louvain May Multi-X C2 System (new or existing) 3D vis. Cross tasking Mobile / Remote terminals Protocols Etc. Compliant with existing or proposed C2 architecture Other Systems EUROSUR Etc.
Project participants Proposed coordinator: TEKEVER ASDS (SME) Partners Other participants: 4 partners: 1 International R&D institute, 1 International organization, 1 Company (CH), 1 University (PT) Looking for partners with the following expertise/technology/application field: Augmented reality and/or 3D modelling Expertise in UGV C2 Maritime information services SMIG January