Ancient Greece
History of Ancient Greece Between 5000 and 3000 B.C., groups of people began settling on Peloponnesus, which is a mountainous peninsula in Southern Europe. The people who lived there were isolated, or cut off, from one another. The rugged land and distances made it difficult to unite the villages.
RISE OF CITY-STATES Over time, Greek towns and cities became city-states, which is a political unit made up of a city and its entire surrounding land. Greek city-states share a common culture and language, but each have their own unique features. For example, they could each choose their own form of government. Many were monarchies, others were ruled by tyrants. Tyrants are people who take power illegally.
Comparing: Athens and Sparta AthensSparta Kings governed Athens at first. Then, Athens became a democracy in which “all” citizens had the right to take part in it. However, only free adult males were considered citizens. Sparta was an oligarchy, which was a system ruled by a few individuals. 2 Kings governed the state and they had some help from other officials. Sparta was a military society. Boys received training at age 7.
Wars and Conquest Rulers from other countries, such as Persia (present-day Iran), tried to invade and conquer Greece. Led by Sparta and Greece, the Greeks resisted. Conflict lasted between the countries for years, but the Greeks defeated the Persians. Many years later, Athens and Sparta went to war with each other. This war was called the Peloponnesian War. Sparta won and became the dominant power in Greece.
In 338 B.C., the King of Macedonia used his well-trained army to gain control of Greece. After his death, his son Alexander took over. Alexander was nicknamed “Alexander the Great” because he was a great military leader who added lands in North Africa, the Middle East and Asia to his own territory. As a result of this, Greek culture continued to spread. When he died, that is considered the end of the Greek Empire.
What were some influences Ancient Greece had on our culture? Trial by Jury Democracy The word 'democracy' is Greek. It means 'government by the people. Tragedy and Comedy Theatre The word 'theatre' is Greek. Most modern theatres follow the Greek plan. The Olympics The first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC at the Greek city of Olympia. Marathon Pheidippides ran from Athens to Sparta to ask for help against the Persians just before the Battle of the Marathon (490 BC). Building styles (Architecture) Throughout the world, buildings have been constructed in the style of Ancient Greece. The British Museum is an example of this. The first alphabet with vowels The Ancient Greeks played an important part in the development of the alphabet. The first two letters of the Greek alphabet - alpha and beta - have given us the word 'alphabet'.
Mythology was also a Greek influence Greek Mythology Now its YOUR turn to take part in the world of Greek gods and goddesses. With your partner, you are to rewrite one of the following myths to make it take place in the present time. You can write a short play, song, poem or short story based off of the myth you receive. Be as creative as you would like: You must have at least 8 lines, regardless of what option you choose.