My future house By Terry b.
I will have many pools and hot tubs like this
I will have more cool cars than movie stars
My 100 acres I will have a whole 100 acres and it will be cool
I will have a theater in my basement and a bowling ally
I will have a tennis court in front of my house even through I don’t like tennis
I will have a moat around my house like the one below and i will put piranhas in it
I will have a jet which will go in my garage
I will have a skate park and a paint ball park
I will have a party every night so I will need a maid to clean it up
I will have many chefs
I will have a huge couch
I will have a huge barn with albino and exotic animals in it!!!
I will have a baby white bangle tiger
Here are some more animals I will own
I will have a mud run pit in my back yard
I will have a demolition derby in my back yard
I give my house two thumbs up
The End BY Terry B. By every body!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Allegan