aSW Saw WaS… Making sense of the standard 6 Measure for Arts Educators
Formative Assessment
@ARTSEDNC Leading Change in Music Education NCAEA Board Meeting 2016
S66 Vision for Arts Education In today’s globally competitive world, innovative thinking and creativity are essential for all school children. High quality, standards-based instruction in the arts develops these skills and effectively engages, retains, and prepares future-ready students for graduation and success in an entrepreneurial economy. Dance, music, theatre arts, and visual arts, taught by licensed arts educators and integrated throughout the curriculum, are critical to North Carolina’s 21st century education.
Comprehensive Arts Education
Stay Connected ArtsR4Life Quarterly Arts Education Leaders Webinars Wed, Sep 16, :30 PM - 4:30 PM EDT Wed, Dec 2, :30 PM - 4:30 PM EST Wed, Mar 2, :30 PM - 4:30 PM EST Wed, May 4, :30 PM - 4:30 PM EDT #artsr4life15
ASW Updates
5 Rating Categories Demonstrate Leadership Establish Environment Know Content Facilitate Learning Reflect on Practice Contribute to Academic Success 3 Rating Categories Not Demonstrated Developing Proficient Accomplished Distinguished Effectiveness Status NC Educator Evaluation System
Activity: Stand Up – Sit Down How were you involved in the ASW Process? As a teacher who submitted Timelapse Artifacts in an Evidence Collection As a trainer who helped others As an observer in preparation for this year As na arts education leader or coordinator!
Overall ASW Numbers LEA’s + multiple charters 6,415 Teachers Submitted Evidence Collections –Made up of 19,245 Timelapse Artifacts 12,830 Evidence Collections Reviewed (minimum of 2 reviews per collection) 97% reviewed
Arts Education ASW Numbers 2,793 Arts Education Teachers Submitted Evidence Collections –(~8,379 Timelapse Artifacts) 2,709 Evidence Collections Reviewed (minimum of 2 reviews per collection) 97% reviewed
ASW Timeline from TimeTask Completed February 2nd Semester Class Validation and Principal Approval- Semester teachers only - February 8 – 19 Class Selection - 2nd Semester - Online Platform Selects 2 Classes - Semester teachers only - February 8-19 Objective Selection - 2nd Semester Objective Selection and Principal Approval - Semester teachers only - February 22-29
ASW Timeline from TimeTask Completed May Student Selection - Online Platform Selects 3 students/class for Individual Student Timelapse Artifacts - May 23 - June 10 Upload Evidence - Teachers Submit Timelapse Artifacts with Narrative Context to Online Platform - May 23 - June 10
ASW Timeline from TimeTask Completed July Student Selection - Online Platform Selects 3 students/class for Individual Student Timelapse Artifacts - May 23 - June 10 Upload Evidence - Teachers Submit Timelapse Artifacts with Narrative Context to Online Platform - May 23 - June 10 Blind Review - Online Platform Disseminates Evidence Collections to ASW Reviewers
ASW Timeline from TimeTask Completed October Receive Rating - Teachers Receive Standard 6 Rating for
ASW Process: A Quick Guide
Lessons Learned Objective Selection 1.Don’t Delay in Selecting your Objectives 2.Follow up with the Principal to verify that all the steps are completed to move the process forward. Example: 1.Clicking Accept or Reject on the Teacher’s chosen objectives 2.Clicking Mark Complete 3.Clicking Advance to the Next Step
A.S.W. The teacher’s instruction and evidence must match the objective chosen. "Al1 The evidence does not align to the chosen objective.” RBT Verb Definitions r+Resources A.S.W. Lessons Learned
Objectives are Student Focused
Lessons Learned Collection Method Use compatible file types Audio file(s):.mp3,.wav,.wma Picture file(s):.gif,.mpg,.jpeg,.jpg,.png,.tif Presentation file(s):.ppt or.pptx Text file(s):.doc,.docx,.pdf,.xls,.xlsx Video file(s):.avi,.flv,.mov,.mp4,.wmv [Can be compressed] Zipped or compressed file(s)
Pre Test Sljdflkjdf sdfljsdfljdf sdflkjsdf sdflnksdflnsdf sdfllsdf sdflnsdf sdfklsdflkjf fsl flk sdflkjsdf sdf Ljsdflksdf ;mf sdflmdf sdf;df msdf;sdf sdfmsdf lmf, sdfmsd. Sdmsdf0 lsdjlkjsdflkjsdfljk Ljdflkjf ljkdlkjsdf tjtlkjltj ;jke;ljkw;jkw ;kw;lkwet ;w;jw ;jkw;ljkw klwe ljsdfljsdf sdljsdfljsdf Sljd Collection Method → File Size Up to 20 MB per file!
Lessons Learned Do not use links or internal websites as evidence.
Lessons Learned Remove identifying information Gotham City High School Name: Bruce Wayne Gotham City High School Teacher: Alfred Pennyworth
Lessons Learned Upload clear, legible files, documents and pictures.
What is the purpose of the Narrative Context? To communicate to the reviewer where the students’ skill or knowledge is in relation to the selected objective at two points in time during instruction, How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? Context How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen clarifying objective? This artifact was created using an 8 th grade Healthful Living Health Education Class containing 32 students before instruction on the objective began. In this video, the student did not show proper technique in the their performance of CPR in the following ways. 1. The students body position has him sitting on the victims waist. 2. The hands have been placed separately on the victims upper chest. 3. The compressions given are of insufficient depth and are given too slow. 4. The elbows are bending during the compression.
To describe the amount of growth that occurred in relation to the selected objective between the two points in time. Describe the growth that occurred between Points 1 and 2, including how much time passed between the two points in time. Context Describe the growth that occurred between Points 1 and 2. CPR performed with the technique in video #1 was inadequate and would not have given the victim an opportunity to survive. The technique in video #2 would provide blood flow and oxygen to give the victim a chance of survival
Frequency and Duration for each work sample in the Timelapse Artifact: How often and for how long do you see your students? Examples: 45 minutes once per week for an entire year, 30 minutes twice per week for a semester. Include information about missed classes or special scheduling information that might be helpful to the reviewer. Lessons Learned / Context
Narrative Context for 1 st point in time each work sample in the Timelapse Artifact How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen objective? Lessons Learned / Context
Narrative Context for 2 nd point in time for each work sample in the Timelapse Artifact How does this artifact show where the student is in relation to the chosen objective? Lessons Learned / Context
Narrative Context for 2 nd point in time for each work sample in the Timelapse Artifact Describe the growth that occurred between Points 1 and 2, including how much time passed between the two points in time. Lessons Learned / Context
Lessons Learned Supporting Documentation (Reviewer Suggestions) - Show the prompt, musical score, script, text, etc. for the activity or assignment - Provide an answer key for tests used as evidence - Include the rubric, if one was used, for the project, video, presentation, etc. If necessary, combine multiple documents for Supporting Documentation into one for uploading
ASW Resources 1. ASW Procedures Manual – ASW Timeline – A high-level timeline for the school year is available on the Implementation Page of the ASW Wiki ( 3. ASW Ratings from – Teachers who participated in the ASW Process will receive their Standard 6 ratings at the same time Standard 6 ratings are released for all teachers. 4. Questions? Check out the FAQ! – The FAQ page of the ASW Wiki ( – If you can not find an answer to your question on the FAQ,
Allignment Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create
New Resources for ASW Timelapse Artifact Template Assists teachers to plan and implement a single Timelapse Artifact from beginning to end. her+Resources
Reviewers Feedback Comments Feedback Comments available to download on the ASW wiki
Resources and Tools
NC Arts Education Wiki
NCDPI Arts Education Listserv #artsr4life15
Stay Connected Follow us on Twitter: Facebook at “N.C. K-12 Arts Education” Conference page: #artsr4life15
Preparing Students for the Next AmericaPreparing Students for the Next America: The Benefits of an Arts Education #artsr4life15
ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act 1965 War on poverty ESEA- No Child left Behind Whole Child no longer “core” STEM – arts can support STEM
Title I and the Arts Under ESEA, States and LEAs have flexibility to support the arts using Title I funds May be used for: – Consulting and contracting – Arts Materials – Professional Development
K-8 Standards Quick Reference Guides for the NC Standard Course of Study
Our Vision Comprehensive Arts Education in North Carolina’s schools, SP3 Grant Through Americans for the Arts Thank you for being part of this journey and helping to make the vision a reality! #artsr4life15
Next Steps: Leading Change in Music Education What kind of support do you need to implement Comprehensive Arts Education? What should this look like?