Info copied from Microsoft Help Files Excel Starts to SHINE Microsoft Office 2003
Info copied from Microsoft Help Files Planning & Designing a Worksheet Considerations Determine the purpose Give it a meaningful title Determine the end result/output Determine calculations Sketch on paper Format columns and rows
Info copied from Microsoft Help Files Labels Help you identify the data – making it more readable Labels can contain text and numerical information not used in calculations Labels are left aligned by default TIP: If you want to create a label that starts with a number; type an apostrophe before typing the number
Info copied from Microsoft Help Files Values Are used for calculations They include numbers, formulas and functions Right aligned by default To see true values; press the ctrl key and the ~ (key in the top left corner above the tab key)
Info copied from Microsoft Help Files Values can be formatted as: Number type Currency type Accounting type Date type Percentage type ….
Info copied from Microsoft Help Files Cell Referencing in calculations Relative reference in a formula, such as A1, is based on the relative position of the cell. example of a calculation using relative referencing = a1 + b1 Look to see what happens if you use the autofill feature with a relative reference.
Info copied from Microsoft Help Files Cell Referencing in calculations Absolute cell reference in a formula, such as $A$1, always refers to a cell in a specific location It will not change when using the autofill feature Click F4 after selecting the cell that you want to use absolute cell reference; Excel will change the syntax for you
Some information has been copied from Microsoft Help Files When creating a calculation, be mindfull of BEDMAS B rackets E xponents D ivision M ultiplication A ddition S ubtraction
Info copied from Microsoft Help Files OperatorDescription +ADDITION =A1+A2 add A1 and A2 -Subtraction =A1-A2 subtract A2 from A1 *Multiplication =A1*A2 multiply A1 by A2 /Division =A1/A2 divide A1 by A2 ^Exponential =A1^A2 raise A1 to the power A2 Math Operators in Excel
Some information has been copied from Microsoft Help Files More on Calculations Operations can be combined together. For example: =A1-A2/A3 OR =(A1+B1)*.50
Some information has been copied from Microsoft Help Files Common Functions Sum() Min() Max() Average() Today()