Presentation to the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) February 24, 2016
Overview of Grants Administered by BSCC Competitive State Grants Competitive Federal Grants Non-Competitive State Grants BSCC Grants Administration Policies
Competitive State Grants California Gang Reduction, Intervention and Prevention (CalGRIP) Grant Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction (MIOCR) Grant Pay For Success Grant - NEW Proposition 47 Grant - NEW Proud Parenting Grant Strengthening Local Law Enforcement and Community Relations Grant - NEW
CalGRIP Program Description: Provides funding to cities that implement gang prevention, intervention and suppression activities. Current grantees: 19 cities Funding: $9.215 million from the State Restitution Fund allocated annually subject to budget appropriation. Dollar for dollar city match. Grant cycle & current status: Currently in Year 2 of a 3 year cycle. Next RFP: Will be issued Summer of 2017 for a January 1, 2018 start date.
Mentally Ill Offender Crime Reduction (MIOCR) Description: Grants to counties to support prevention, intervention and supervision services to reduce recidivism among California’s mentally ill offender population. Grantees: 21 grantees (5 Sheriff Depts., 1 DA, 2 Dept. of Corrections, 3 Behavioral Health, 10 Probation Depts.) in 17 counties 10 Adult projects 11 Juvenile projects Funding: $18 million total FY & FY Grant cycle: July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018 Next RFP: N/A
Pay For Success Description: Reduce recidivism for juvenile and adult offenders using evidence-based approaches that address issues like homelessness, substance abuse and unemployment. Note: Grantees must secure operating funds by raising capital; grant funds are used to repay investors once outcomes are met. Grantees: Counties are eligible – applications currently under review Funding: $5 million in FY Grant cycle: May 1, 2016 to Sept. 30, 2021 Next RFP: N/A
Proud Parenting Program Description: Designed to break the intergenerational cycle of violence and delinquency by increasing knowledge about responsible parenting and by improving attitudes, self-esteem and relationships between parents and children. Target population: Parents between the ages of 14 and 25 in the justice and/or child welfare system, and their children. Grantees: 7 Probation Departments Funding: $835,000 Grant cycle: Year 1 of a 3 year cycle Next RFP: late 2017/early 2018
Proposition 47 Description: Funds mental health & substance abuse treatment; diversion; and recidivism reduction programs. AB 1056 further prioritizes: Housing-related assistance; Community-based services; Job skills training; Case management; and Civil legal services. Grantees: Public agencies as lead Funding: estimated at $19 million in Grant cycle: TBD; early 2017 start date RFP: TBD; mid-2016
Strengthening Local Law Enforcement & Community Relations Description: Allocates $6 million for grants that fund activities at the local level designed to build positive relationships between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Grantees: Police & Sheriff’s Departments and Cities that Contract for Police Services Funding: $6 million for FY 15-16; potential for additional $6 million in FY Status: RFP issued February 5, 2016 Grant cycle: July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2018 Next RFP: N/A
Competitive Federal Grants Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Title II Formula Block Grant Program Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Program Subject to federal appropriation and award to California
Byrne JAG Program Description: Supports collaborative projects at the county level that use a community engagement model for: Education and Prevention Programs Law Enforcement Programs Prosecution and Court Programs, Including Indigent Defense Funding: $17 million in FFY Grantees: 32 counties Grant cycle: Year 2 of a 3 year cycle Next RFP: Spring/Summer 2017
Title II Formula & Tribal Youth Grants Description: Supports the delinquency prevention and intervention federal priority areas with framework of evidence-based principles. Prevent youth from entering the system; intervene with first-time and non-serious offenders. Grantees: 12 Title II Formula (7 CBOs/4 Probation/1 Police) 2 Tribal Funding: $4 million Grant cycle: Oct. 1, 2015 to Sept. 30, 2019 Next RFP: Early 2019
Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparity (R.E.D.) Description: Reform efforts to reduce the number of youth of color in contact with the juvenile justice system. Reduce implicit bias in policies, practices and decision-making. Grantees: 4 Probation Departments Funding: $700,000 Grant cycle: October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2018 Next RFP: Early 2018
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Description: Provide substance abuse treatment for incarcerated inmates; prepare offenders for reentry; aftercare services. Grantees: 4 County Sheriff’s Depts. Funding: $740,000 Grant cycle: July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018 Next RFP: January 2018
Non-Competitive State Grants Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act (JJCPA) Program Youth Center/Youth Shelter Program Youthful Offender Block Grant (YOBG) Juvenile Reentry Grant City Law Enforcement Grants Community Recidivism Reduction Grants
City Law Enforcement Funding: $20 million in FY allocated for disbursement throughout the state. Description: Each county is responsible for determining the priorities and local allocations of the funding. Requirements: In , any front-line law enforcement agency that receives funding is required to report on use-of-force incidents that result in hospitalization or death of a civilian. The BSCC will collect this data through the end of FY on a quarterly basis.
Community Recidivism Reduction Description: Funds available to counties when the Board of Supervisors, in collaboration with the Community Corrections Partnership, agrees to administer a competitive grant program to award funds to community-based recidivism and crime reduction service providers. Funding: $8 million in FY 14-15; $4 million in FY Grantees: 50 counties in FY 14-15; 42 counties in FY Sub-grantees must be a nongovernmental entity or a consortium or coalition of nongovernmental entities that provide services to reduce recidivism. Requirements: Counties must report to BSCC annual data regarding the number of people served and the types of services provided.
BSCC Grants Administration Use of Executive Steering Committees (ESC) Subject matter experts Develop Request for Proposals for Board approval Read and rate applications Make award recommendations to Board Board review and approval
BSCC Grants Monitoring Quarterly progress and financial reports Desk reviews of invoices and budget activity Onsite program monitoring visits Regularly scheduled phone conferences Contracts with terms and conditions that must be bet Require submission of Final Evaluation Report at end of grant
BSCC Resources Provides information on status of pending grants nningandprograms.php Provides information on grants awarded nt%20Admin%20Guide%20DRAFT%20rev.% pdf Provides BSCC’s grant administration guidelines