Cluttered Homes (Hoarders) Conducting Lead Identification Services In A Cluttered Dwelling
POTENTIAL HAZARDS CLUTTER causes other hazards beyond lead. CLUTTER causes other hazards beyond lead. Pests & Vermin Fire Hazards Biological Problems (Asthma, Molds) Trip & Fall Hazards Other Physical Injuries
SERVICE ISSUES CLUTTER complicates other areas of service. CLUTTER complicates other areas of service. Parts of the dwelling may be inaccessible Removal/shifting of items may not be permitted by owner Possible referral to mental health agencies or social service organizations
COMMUNITY APPROACHES Require the owner to de-clutter before they may qualify for the program. Hire a professional cleaning team. Disqualify the dwelling from a proposed program or initiative. Conduct the Lead Assessments to determine status of dwelling prior to acceptance into the program ◦If there are NO lead hazards, can the clutter be contained outside the work area? ◦If there are ANY lead hazards, work cannot continue until clutter is removed. CLUTTER can require special considerations.
COMMUNITY APPROACHES Lead dust hazards CANNOT be controlled until clutter has been removed. Clutter must be contained outside of the work areas, leaving pathways to allow access to other hazards. Clearance testing is conducted on pathways and hazard areas only. Make sure your Inspector/Risk Assessor is on board prior to clearance testing. CLUTTER can complicate control methods.