Senior English 9/19/11 “The purpose of school is to help students see that where they are is not where they’re always going to be.” - Lorraine Monroe “The purpose of school is to help students see that where they are is not where they’re always going to be.” - Lorraine Monroe What is the difference between bird flu and swine flu? What is the difference between bird flu and swine flu? WHAM – Winning the Hearts And Minds of the people. A cynical Acronym used by U.S. troops in Vietnam. WHAM – Winning the Hearts And Minds of the people. A cynical Acronym used by U.S. troops in Vietnam. Goals – Finish life map presentations. Introduce personal essay assignment, work on hooks. Homework – Complete first draft of your hook, word processed. Save as “Personal Essay D1.”
Senior English 9/20/11 Which gender has it easier in our culture? Why? What has no beginning, no end, and nothing in the middle? Alliaceous – having a definite aroma of garlic. Goals – Focus on the heart of your essay, your story, anecdotes, examples, and dialogue. Homework Complete first draft of your “body”, word processed. Add it to “Personal Essay D1” save as “Personal Essay D2.” Homework – Complete first draft of your “body”, word processed. Add it to “Personal Essay D1” save as “Personal Essay D2.”
Senior English 9/21/11 Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of education. - MLK Jr. If two is a couple and three is a crowd, what is four and five? Cepivorous – onion eating Goals – Focus on the closing of your essay, analysis of values described and future directions, link to hook. Homework – Complete first draft of your closing, word processed. Add it to “Personal Essay D2” save as “Personal Essay D3.”
Senior English 9/22/11 If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one personal ability or quality, what would it be? If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one personal ability or quality, what would it be? Why do cowboys roll up the sides of their Stetsons? Why do cowboys roll up the sides of their Stetsons? Cockle – a valentine candy shaped like a heart with a message on it like “love ya.” Cockle – a valentine candy shaped like a heart with a message on it like “love ya.” Goals – Share the draft of your essay with a friend, exchange ideas, make revisions. Save original draft. Homework – Complete the final draft including the revisions from your peer feedback. Add it to “Personal Essay D3” save as “Personal Essay D4.” Don’t forget the Vocab. Quiz tomorrow, week 4 words.
Senior English 9/23/11 Five minutes to review for the vocabulary quiz. Five minutes to review for the vocabulary quiz. Where can you find an ocean but no water? Where can you find an ocean but no water? Gastrology – the science of keeping oneself well and happily fed. Gastrology – the science of keeping oneself well and happily fed. Goals – Complete week 4 vocabulary study, finish and turn in personal essays by the end of the day. Story time? Brainstorm for candy? Homework – None.