SHOPPING SHEET Sarah J. Bauder Assistant Vice President for Financial Aid & Enrollment Services University of Maryland 11/6/2012
AGENDA Background Conversations Purpose What You Need to Know What Works Well What Does Not UM Implementation Next Steps Resources Questions 11/6/2012
BACKGROUND Conversations with White House Staff Comparing same types of institutions How does Alt Loans fit in to the discussion? Do we need a single data base for loans? Letter from Arne Duncan to President’s Lunch with Chancellor’s for by-in 11/6/2012
PURPOSE Originally designed to replace award letter Issues: Not all institutions have the same award letter Historical Perspective Eliminate Confusion on Nomenclature Create a Unified Form for families 11/6/2012
WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW First Time Freshman and Transfers Does Not need to be resent for adjustments in aid – Unless you’re using is as an Award Letter It is fixed and uniform. Cannot modify format Shopping Sheet is voluntary until unless… Principles of Excellence “Volunteered to Participate” 11/6/2012
WHAT WORKS WELL Conversation is useful Standardization of Acronyms Eliminates ‘Gaming’ of Families Comparable Information 11/6/2012
ISSUES Not all institutions are the same “Shopping” for college is more than about money Allowing Automation of form Implementation is confusing for schools When do we turn off the Shopping Sheet: Do we need to send it for Revised Awards? 11/6/2012
QUESTIONS? Sarah Bauder Assistant Vice President Financial Aid and Enrollment Services /6/2012