Plants The plants in the Teton park grow from the rivers to the top of the mountains. Cottonwood trees grow along the Snake River. Blue spruce take over them. The cottonwood trees grow again and it happens over and over again. Fires burn down 1000s of trees, but the forest grows again. Animals affect the plants and nature. Beavers chop down trees for their dams and the trees clog up the river. The river dries up and the trees have less of a chance of getting water so they die. The plants are different because of the soil and climate of the area.
Water The Snake River is a quiet, winding river in the Grand Teton Park full of Cutthroat trout. Cutthroat trout grow to the length of 18 inches and weigh over 1 pound. Eagles, moose, and beavers are often seen at the side of rivers. All the boats that are going in the water need to have a park permit. If people want to go fishing, they need to have a Wyoming State License.
Cycle of Life The birds in the park are free range so sometimes they go to farms nearby and take some chickens away. The farmers get mad at the birds and try to shoot them. Small animals work together to keep each other safe. When a predator is near, a lookout would warn all the other small animals in the area. Every animal has a special place in the park.
Solar Energy Plants store solar energy in their stems, leaves, blades, and flowers. When a plant eater gets eaten by a meat eater, the solar energy in the plant eater becomes energy in the meat eater. When animals die, their bodies decay and enrich the soil. Animals of all sizes eat plants to live. When they eat plants, the solar energy is then transferred to the animal.
Mountain Climbing Grand Teton is a favorite place for mountain climbers. There you can learn how to climb mountains without a rope. Looking for cracks in the mountains, you inch your way to the top. You need to have a permit to climb the mountains and to do any off-trail hiking in the park.
Moose Except for buffalo, the biggest plant eating animal is the moose. The bull moose looks clumsy but his long legs can carry him as fast as a horse. Moose like to be alone except in winter and in fall when they might be in small groups. Many moose go hungry. During the winter, the weak and old moose die and their dead bodies mean survival for the meat eaters.
Fun Facts The Teton Park is open all year long. It took more than 1,000,000 years for nature to make the mountains. Osprey nests are on dead trees near the Snake River. At night there is a campfire program where you can hear about the animals in the Teton Park.
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