Hapu Management Plan Ngai Tukairangi and Ngati Tapu To ensure that the Tino Rangatiratanga of Ngati Tapu and Ngai Tukairangi is paramount in the Kaitiakitanga of our whenua and moana in Tauranga Moana
Background The HMP is based on the rohe, resources, and activities relative to our hapu. Defines how council can better engage with hapu. Our cultural / environmental goals & significant areas are recognised by councils. For our hapu community to be active kaitiaki. Looking after our taonga resources and teaching our kids to do the same as future kaitiaki.
Te Taiao - Whenua 1. Housing 2. Urupa 3. Horticulture 4. Agriculture 5. Earthworks 6. Erosion 7. Transmission lines 8. Traffic 9. Non Maori land use 10. Landfill
Te Taiao - Moana 1. Kai moana 2. Mangroves / sedimentation 3. Wastewater/sewage 4. Swans 5. Rena 6. Harbour dredging 7. Reclamation of foreshore / seabed
Te Taiao – Wai Maori 1. Freshwater resources 2. Puna wai 3. Stormwater discharge 4. Water reticulation Te Taiao – Te Rangi 1. To address the use of airspace on the impacts on air quality
Active kaitiakitanga Sharing of Matauranga Education Succession building Looking after our resources Hapu have identified the issues and how they can be positively resolved through the implementation of the HMP. Te Pae Tawhiti