AIM Name: ProfEDomerchie INTRODUCTIONS Good evening everyone! Welcome to our first seminar! It’s great to be meeting with all of you this evening! Welcome to our first seminar! It’s great to be meeting with all of you this evening!
YES! There are Seminar Guidelines! (1) Arrive early and be prepared to actively participate in discussion. You may arrive 15 minutes early to Seminar. YES! There are Seminar Guidelines! (1) Arrive early and be prepared to actively participate in discussion. You may arrive 15 minutes early to Seminar.
(2) If you arrive late to seminar, get bumped out due to technical difficulties and come back in, or decide to leave early, please do not announce yourself or apologize to the class, so as not to interrupt the current discussions.
(3) If you have a question, type "QUESTION" in seminar. It is viewed type "QUESTION" in seminar. It is viewed the same as raising your hand in class. the same as raising your hand in class. (4) Follow Netiquette guidelines at all times. (5) If you have a technical problem, please contact Tech Services at contact Tech Services at then me directly after the class and then me directly after the class and explain what happened. explain what happened. (6) Have fun.
AIM Name: ProfEDomerchie COMMUNICATION Announcements & Be sure to check the Announcements section of your courseroom and daily. me any questions you have. I will respond within 24-hours or before the end of the following day. Announcements & Be sure to check the Announcements section of your courseroom and daily. me any questions you have. I will respond within 24-hours or before the end of the following day.
AIM Name: ProfEDomerchie SYLLABUS CONTENT Please review your all parts of your syllabus carefully, including the sections that address Kaplan’s Late Policy and Plagiarism Policy. Answers to most of your burning questions can be found in the syllabus or the course announcements. Please review your all parts of your syllabus carefully, including the sections that address Kaplan’s Late Policy and Plagiarism Policy. Answers to most of your burning questions can be found in the syllabus or the course announcements. Grading: Please review the grading rubrics included in your syllabus. I follow these descriptions very carefully in assigning grades for discussion board postings, seminar participation, and for projects. Grading: Please review the grading rubrics included in your syllabus. I follow these descriptions very carefully in assigning grades for discussion board postings, seminar participation, and for projects. Seminar Participation Grades: Remember, this is on “real time” class time—everyone should contribute to advancing the class. The seminar goes by very quickly when students are prepared and join in the discussion. Seminar Participation Grades: Remember, this is on “real time” class time—everyone should contribute to advancing the class. The seminar goes by very quickly when students are prepared and join in the discussion. OPTION #2: If you cannot attend seminar, you can complete option #2. Click on the seminar link for the current Unit to view the topic for option #2. Write one paragraph in response to the topic and submit before end of day Tuesdays. OPTION #2: If you cannot attend seminar, you can complete option #2. Click on the seminar link for the current Unit to view the topic for option #2. Write one paragraph in response to the topic and submit before end of day Tuesdays.
AIM Name: ProfEDomerchie DISCUSSION BOARD Discussion Board: It is important to post your initial response to the board as early in the week as possible. Then, come back to the board the following day or so and read what other students have posted. Respond thoughtfully with substantive comments to your classmates’ posts each week! Responses such as, “I agree, good job” will not count toward your postings. Sorry….. Discussion Board: It is important to post your initial response to the board as early in the week as possible. Then, come back to the board the following day or so and read what other students have posted. Respond thoughtfully with substantive comments to your classmates’ posts each week! Responses such as, “I agree, good job” will not count toward your postings. Sorry….. Discussion Board TIP: Some students find it easier to write their comments in Word, perform a spell check, then copy and paste their comments onto the discussion board. That way you can give your posting more thought and time for editing without being online. Discussion Board TIP: Some students find it easier to write their comments in Word, perform a spell check, then copy and paste their comments onto the discussion board. That way you can give your posting more thought and time for editing without being online. To earn full credit for Discussion Board each week: To earn full credit for Discussion Board each week: 1. Post your initial response as early in the week as you can. 2. Respond to at least 2 other student posts on at least 2 different days between mid- and end- of Unit / week. 3. Again, all of your responses must add to depth and quality to the discussion. 4. In total…a minimum of 3 posts, on at least 3 different days of the unit / week. 5. Be sure to review for correct spelling, punctuation and grammar before posting your responses. 6. Be sure to cite your sources (references).
AIM Name: ProfEDomerchie Some Final Notes: Dropbox: Be sure to submit each assignment to the correct basket designated for each assignment in the dropbox. Here, as in the medical office, it is very important to pay attention to details. Points will be deducted for submitting assignments to the incorrect dropbox. Dropbox: Be sure to submit each assignment to the correct basket designated for each assignment in the dropbox. Here, as in the medical office, it is very important to pay attention to details. Points will be deducted for submitting assignments to the incorrect dropbox. Late Assignments: Remember, it is always better to submit a project late than not at all. Late Assignments: Remember, it is always better to submit a project late than not at all. 1. Make sure to me in advance when you know something has come up and you need to request additional time to submit an assignment late. 2. Then me again once you have submitted the completed assignment, as the system does not inform me when an assignment (submitted after the original deadline) is waiting to be graded. 3. Any assignments approved and submitted late will be graded after all current assignments for the week are graded. MS Word: Kaplan requires Microsoft Word to submit projects. Word is different than WordPerfect or Microsoft Works. Please check to be sure that your software is compatible. MS Word: Kaplan requires Microsoft Word to submit projects. Word is different than WordPerfect or Microsoft Works. Please check to be sure that your software is compatible.
AIM Name: ProfEDomerchie SEMINAR 1 TOPIC Termination of Patients Termination of Patients License renewal License renewal Liability Insurance Liability Insurance HIPAA HIPAA
13 Termination of Patient’s Relationship with Office When patients do not follow medical advice, the physician may decide to terminate the relationship with the patient. When patients do not follow medical advice, the physician may decide to terminate the relationship with the patient.
14 Required Steps Prior to Termination Document reasons for problem. Document reasons for problem. Send certified letter to patient, stating the problem. Send certified letter to patient, stating the problem. Allow time for patient to find a new physician. Allow time for patient to find a new physician. Keep a copy of the letter and the signed certified mail receipt. Keep a copy of the letter and the signed certified mail receipt.
15 Physicians may need reminders about: License renewal License renewal Liability insurance due dates Liability insurance due dates Appropriate certifications Appropriate certifications Travel arrangements Travel arrangements
16 Liability Insurance Liability insurance is not the only means for patient safety. Environmental techniques should also be used to reduce the need for liability insurance. Liability insurance is not the only means for patient safety. Environmental techniques should also be used to reduce the need for liability insurance.
17 Preparing Travel Itinerary for Physicians Begin with the needed schedule of the physician. Begin with the needed schedule of the physician. Use a travel agent, if that is office policy. Use a travel agent, if that is office policy. Make arrangements and verify these with the physician. Make arrangements and verify these with the physician.
18 HIPAA is concerned with more than patient confidentiality. HIPAA is concerned with more than patient confidentiality. HIPAA was designed to improve: HIPAA was designed to improve: (a) the continuity of health insurance coverage, (a) the continuity of health insurance coverage, (b) address administrative simplification, and (b) address administrative simplification, and (c) protect data privacy and security. (c) protect data privacy and security. Patients must be made aware of the HIPAA regulations of the medical office. Patients must be made aware of the HIPAA regulations of the medical office. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act )
19 Before the HIPAA Privacy Rule was enacted, personal health information could be distributed to others without notice or authorization from the patient. Exchange of the information may have had nothing to do with patient treatment. Exchange of the information may have had nothing to do with patient treatment. Information could be given to a financial lender, and the information could influence lending decisions. Information could be given to a financial lender, and the information could influence lending decisions. Employers could obtain health information for use in personnel decisions. Employers could obtain health information for use in personnel decisions. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) PRIVACY RULE
20 The HIPAA Privacy Rule creates national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information. HIPAA affects both employees and patients in a healthcare facility, insurance company, or other covered entity. HIPAA affects both employees and patients in a healthcare facility, insurance company, or other covered entity. Boundaries are set on the use and release of health records. Boundaries are set on the use and release of health records. Safeguards are established that healthcare providers must achieve to protect the privacy of health information. Safeguards are established that healthcare providers must achieve to protect the privacy of health information. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) PRIVACY RULE
21 Violators are held accountable and face civil and criminal penalties if patient privacy rights are compromised. Violators are held accountable and face civil and criminal penalties if patient privacy rights are compromised. HIPAA guidelines may change with time. HIPAA guidelines may change with time. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) PRIVACY RULE
22 We already discussed the HIPAA Privacy Rule, now lets look at: Title I Title I regulates insurance reform regulates insurance reform Title II Title II deals with administrative simplification deals with administrative simplification HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) PROVISIONS
23 TITLE I: Regulating Insurance Reform Limits use of preexisting conditions that prevented or limited employees from obtaining health coverage in the past. Limits use of preexisting conditions that prevented or limited employees from obtaining health coverage in the past. Prevents discrimination against individuals who are in poor health now or were in the past after leaving or losing a job. Prevents discrimination against individuals who are in poor health now or were in the past after leaving or losing a job. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) TITLE I: Regulating Insurance Reform
24 TITLE II: Administrative Simplification Two Parts: Development and implementation of standardized electronic transactions using Standard Code Sets. Development and implementation of standardized electronic transactions using Standard Code Sets. Implementation of privacy and security procedures to prevent the misuse of health information by ensuring confidentiality. Implementation of privacy and security procedures to prevent the misuse of health information by ensuring confidentiality. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) TITLE II: Administrative Simplification
25 According to HIPAA, patients have the right: To notice of a facility’s privacy practices. To notice of a facility’s privacy practices. To have access to, view, and obtain a copy of their personal health information. To have access to, view, and obtain a copy of their personal health information. To restrict certain parts or uses of their personal health information. To restrict certain parts or uses of their personal health information. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) PATIENT RIGHTS
26 Patients also have the right: To request that communications from the facility be kept confidential. To request that communications from the facility be kept confidential. To request the facility to amend the personal health information. To request the facility to amend the personal health information. To receive notice of all disclosures of the personal health information. To receive notice of all disclosures of the personal health information. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) PATIENT RIGHTS continued…
27 Patients should receive a copy of the facility’s Notice of Privacy Practices. Patients should receive a copy of the facility’s Notice of Privacy Practices. Notice must also be displayed prominently in the office. Notice must also be displayed prominently in the office. Notice of Privacy Practices is developed by the individual facilities. Notice of Privacy Practices is developed by the individual facilities. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) Right to Notice of Privacy Practices
28 The NPP must include: How personal health information (PHI) is used by the facility. How personal health information (PHI) is used by the facility. Duties of the provider to protect PHI. Duties of the provider to protect PHI. Patient rights regarding PHI. Patient rights regarding PHI. How complaints can be filed. How complaints can be filed. Whom to contact at the facility with questions. Whom to contact at the facility with questions. Effective date of the NPP. Effective date of the NPP. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP)
29 Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices I Patients should be given a copy of the NPP. Patients should be given a copy of the NPP. They should be asked to sign a document stating that they received the NPP. They should be asked to sign a document stating that they received the NPP. Most patients will sign the document. Most patients will sign the document. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) continued…
30 Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices II Always explain the document to the patient; do not expect the patient to sign it blindly. Always explain the document to the patient; do not expect the patient to sign it blindly. If they refuse to sign, document the refusal to prove due diligence. If they refuse to sign, document the refusal to prove due diligence. Once the patient has signed the NPP, the physician can disclose information, but only as described on the NPP. Once the patient has signed the NPP, the physician can disclose information, but only as described on the NPP. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) continued…
31 Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices III: Emergencies A Notice of Privacy Practices does not have to be signed by a patient when he or she is receiving emergency care. A Notice of Privacy Practices does not have to be signed by a patient when he or she is receiving emergency care. The facility or provider should attempt to give the patient the NPP as soon as it is practical once the emergency is under control. The facility or provider should attempt to give the patient the NPP as soon as it is practical once the emergency is under control. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP) continued…
32 Patients have the right to access PHI. Patients are allowed access to their PHI. Patients are allowed access to their PHI. However, the “maker” owns the record. However, the “maker” owns the record. Patient owns the information contained in the record. Patient owns the information contained in the record. Patients have the right to a copy of their PHI. Patients have the right to a copy of their PHI. Providers may charge a reasonable fee for copies of records. Providers may charge a reasonable fee for copies of records. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) Right to Access PHI
33 Patients have the right to request confidential communications. Patients can express where they wish to receive communications from the provider. Patients can express where they wish to receive communications from the provider. Providers must accommodate reasonable requests. Providers must accommodate reasonable requests. Make certain the preferred method of communication is used when contacting patients, whether it be cell or home phone, , or work phone. Make certain the preferred method of communication is used when contacting patients, whether it be cell or home phone, , or work phone. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) Right to Request Confidential Communications
34 HIPAA requires providers or health plans to: Notify patients of their privacy rights. Notify patients of their privacy rights. Explain how patients’ health information might be used. Explain how patients’ health information might be used. Develop privacy procedures in the facility. Develop privacy procedures in the facility. Implement those procedures. Implement those procedures. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) Responsibilities of Providers
35 HIPAA also requires providers or health plans to: Train employees so that they understand the procedures in place. Train employees so that they understand the procedures in place. Designate an individual to be responsible for implementation. Designate an individual to be responsible for implementation. Secure medical records so that they are not available to those who do not need them. Secure medical records so that they are not available to those who do not need them. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ) Responsibilities of Providers continued…
AIM Name: ProfEDomerchie THE END! Thank you for attending Seminar 1.