Student Led Conference By: Taylor March 2009
My job as a student at BIS To do math and take care of the computers. One other thing is taking care of the equipment.
Ways I have helped my class run smoothly I keep my grades up. And I turn in my work on time. And I have never had a fright free referral.
My strengths or things that I always do Math is one because I am very good at it. Writing is another because I can write very good. And science why is I love to do experiments. Math is one because I am very good at it. Writing is another because I can write very good. And science why is I love to do experiments.
Test Scores and Grades Star math and star reading Reading Aug4.3 March 4.5 Math Aug 3.4 March 5.4
Areas I can improve Weakness 1. Reading is one of my weakness. Another is social studies. One other thing is spelling. How I plan to improve 1. 1.I can read more. I can study more. And I can do different words
Ways my parents can help me in school How my parents can help is help me with my homework. And help me practice my spelling words. How my parents can help is help me with my homework. And help me practice my spelling words.
Ways that Mrs. Tennison can help me with school Read more with mrs.Tennison. Practice spelling words more in school. Practice spelling words more in school.
When I grow up I would like to be IIII would like to be a chemist. Because I like to do math. And I like to mix different things together.