RICHARD III Women of Richard III Anne Neville Elizabeth Woodville Duchess of York Queen Margaret
RICHARD III The women of Richard III provide the voice of reason and protest to Richard’s wicked deeds. They see through his façade and predict dire consequences from his actions. Shakespeare uses women in Richard III, to point out the moral truths of society and use them as vessels through which he portrays the principals of Elizabethan moral and political order. Through their personal sufferings they emphasize the devastation inflicted upon the nation during the War of the Roses. The actions and opposition of the women exemplify the destruction that can occur when order is destroyed. Richard himself, sees women as tools that he uses only as a means to an ends.
ANNE NEVILLE In Shakespeare’s Richard III, Anne is merely a pawn in his pursuit to gain the throne. After murdering her father-in-law and husband, Richard charms Anne and persuades her to marry him. She is receptive to Richard’s courting. Anne epitomizes the notion of ‘Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’. Once aware of Richard’s misgivings she turns on her husband and is determined to seek revenge. Through Anne we are shown how Richard’s own corrupt deeds will be his eventual downfall.
QUEEN MARGARET Queen Margaret counter- balances to Richard. Her role as nemesis, links past and present and reminds the audience of his former bloody deeds. Margaret is important as she teaches the Duchess and Elizabeth to curse Richard. “The worm of conscience still be begnaw thy soul! Thy friends suspect for traitors while thou livest, and take deep traitors for thy dearest friends!”
QUEEN ELIZABETH Elizabeth opposes Richard and prevents him from marrying her daughter Elizabeth. She spotlights Richards quest for the throne and is important as she objects to his devious intentions. She enlists the help of Queen Margaret who teaches her to curse Richard. “Shall I be tempted by the devil then?”
DUCHESS OF YORK Cecily neville She is the mother of King Edward IV; George, duke of Clarence; and Richard, duke of Gloucester. Cecily is a minor character in Richard III. The Duchess is used to stress the family’s loses and tragedies in the War of the Roses. “You came on earth to make the earth my hell.”
THE CURSE Cursing was important to the women of Richard III, as it provided the only outlet for their revenge. The place of women in Elizabethan society did not allow for social opposition or action to be taken against Richard. Although no certainty came from cursing him, it was important to Shakespearean plays as it gave women power and influence in a male dominated society.