Content Literacy for Today’s Adolescents Final Reflections Ch 1: Identities literacies and relevance Ch 2: Principles/ best practices Ch 6:Ch 7:Ch 8:Ch 9: Ch 5: Ch 4:Ch 3: Ch 11:Ch 10:
Common Goals PedagogyNeurology ?
Comprehension: Bloom’s and the Extended Response Rubric
Executive Function & Hippocampus Internet User and Google Executive function is the conscious search for and connection of memories...Like a person searching Google for the answer to a question. Hippocampus is like Google. It retrieves information stored (posted) in any portion of the brain.
During this process the teacher engages with the student to encourage them to “travel” between executive function (conscious thought and effort) and the hippocampus which is the hub of memory recall. The student then assembles the memories and attaches new instruction to previous memory and understanding. While this instruction is occurring, the amygdala, RAS, and the limbic system are either facilitating the effort with positive reinforcement in the form of neurotransmitors such as dopamine and norepinepherine… …or this system becomes over stimulated and evokes unconscious emotional responses that greatly inhibit all of the previous cognitive functions such as word recognition, meaning, pronunciation, memory recall, and executive function.
After reading the chapter and reviewing the following supplements, answer the following question: Think about the case study. What role does relevance play in instruction? ks/literacy/implementaliter acyprogram/schematheor yoflearning.htm Resources/Clas sroomTips/Const ructivist%20_Le arning.htm VIEW THE SHORT POWERPOINT ON THE BRAIN and read the handout on chunking Chapter 1 module part A: Copy this address into your browser.
SINGLE! “Relevant instruction is… I think relevant instruction is instruction that meets the needs of the students in the classroom. Ex. Visual learners, Chapter 1 module part B
DOUBLE! “Some of the major points of chapter one were… Youth in schools is becoming more and more diverse. Because of this, there are more and more students who speak languages other than English. There are ways to develop the different literacies. Chapter 1 module part C
TRIPLE! “After reading about schema, constructivism, and brain research… I think it is really important to vary the material that is presented. I did not realize that the percentage of information retained is so low for reading and audiovisual. Chapter 1 module part D
HOMERUN! “After reading about schema, constructivism, and brain research I think…affects student… After reading about schema, constructivism, and brain research I think that the teacher and student’s prior knowledge and preferred way of learning affects how much and what the student learns. Chapter 1 module part F
Click here to read about learning styles and multiple inteligences Click here to here a portion of an interview with Howard Gardner Click here to to determine your learning style Module 2 part A: Principled Practices for Effective Reading and Learning After reading chapter 2 and the reviewing the following supplements answer the following question: What prevents teachers from utilizing these principled practices?
SINGLE! “Principle based instruction is… Principle based instruction is when a teacher focuses on personalizing a lesson for the students to make sure that what they are learning is relevant and applicable. Chapter 2 module part B
DOUBLE! “Some of the major points of chapter two were… -Connect everyday literacies and funds of knowledge with academic literacy and learning. -Use assessment as a tool for learning and future growth. -Engage and sustain effort in reading, writing, and thinking. -Express critical perspectives and interpretations. -Gather and organize print and nonprint sources for increasing understanding of info and ideas. -Expand and generate new understandings using info and communication technologies. Chapter 1 module part C
TRIPLE! “Learning styles relate to principle based instruction because…My learning style is… Learning styles relate to principle based instruction because with principle based instruction the teacher is making a lesson more relevant to their students as to better suit their individual needs or learning styles. My learning styles was: linguistic=32, math=33, visual/spatial=28, body/kinesthetic=40, naturalistic=32, music=30, interpersonal=33, intrapersonal=32. Chapter 2 module part D
HOMERUN! “I think principled based instruction is: (important, impractical, a challenge)…Some teachers may find…But I think… I think principles based instruction is important. Some teachers may find it takes a lot more creativity and time on the teacher’s part, but I think it would be well work a little extra effort on the teacher’s part if all the students learn more effectively. Chapter 2 module part F