System Model Construction Prof. J. Stankovic University of Virginia Spring 2015
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Discrete Systems Linear difference equations –First principles (like laws of physics for electromechanical systems) –System ID
First Principles Any First Principles for Computer Systems? –Little’s result from Q.T. –Other results from Q.T. –EDF, RM Utilization bounds –…–…
Input-Output Relationships Use difference equation System Control Input u(k) Output y(k+1) y(k+1) = ay(k) + bu(k)
Model Structure and Parameters y(k+1) = ay(k) + bu(k) first order model structure Model Structure: Order (first, second, third, …) y(k+1) = a(1)y(k) + a(2)y(k-1) + b(1)u(k) + b(2)u(k-1) second order Model Parameters: a, b, a(1), a(2), b(1), b(2) Single Input Single Output Model Model: y(k)=(0.43)y(k-1) +(0.47)u(k-1)
Multiple Input-Output Models MIMO System Control Inputs u1(k) u2(k) u3(k) … Outputs y1(k+1) Y2(k+1) … y1(k+1) = a11y1(k) + a12y2(k) + b11u1(k) + b12u2(k) y2(k+1) = a12y1(k) + a22y2(k) + b21u1(k) + b22u2(k) NOTE: First Order
System ID 1.Choose inputs and outputs 2.Decide the model structure First order, second order, etc 3.Design (and run) experiments to collect data to estimate model parameters 4.Estimate the values of the parameters using least squares (Matlab) 5.Evaluate the quality of the model fit Poor - try 2 nd order model ; repeat
Comments - System ID Don’t overfit – use simplest order model that works Choose expected workloads when running experiments –Have good coverage of workloads –Mimic expected dynamics Choose good sample times when running experiments
Example From text Example done on blackboard in class regarding IBM Lotus Domino Server