The Acts of the Apostles Dating, Author, and Audience: the same as for the Gospel according to Luke Intent: to narrate the early development of the church, particularly the Gentile Christian communities founded by Paul, also including the Jerusalem leadership and community Focus: the work of the Holy Spirit in continuing the ministry of Christ through his church Structure: mirror of the Gospel – Jerusalem to Judea, through Samaria and Galilee; Paul's journey to Gentile territories, end of narrative in Rome (Paul awaiting sentence by the Roman authorities) “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down on you; then you are to be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, yes, even to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1.8
Acts of the Apostles: Jerusalem Ascension on the Mount of Olives forty days after Bethany two angelic interpreters Jesus becomes Christ and Lord Pentecost the Feast of Weeks the Mosaic covenant fulfilled in the New Covenant tongues of flame (Philo) speaking in tongues
The First Sermon 4 requirements for conversion: repentance (metanoia) be baptized accept the name of Jesus Christ receive the Holy Spirit 4 aspects of early church : community (koinonia) prayer breaking of bread (anamnesis) teaching
Jerusalem after Pentecost The apostles heal as Jesus did Second sermon – metanoia arrest of Peter and John: trial, release, praise, koinonia(Barnabas/ Ananias and Sapphira), Gamaliel Division within the Jerusalem church Stephen: accusations, speech, martyrdom (continuity: Jesus-Stephen-Paul)
Samaria Hellenists becoming missionaries Simon Magus the Ethiopian eunuch Saul becomes Paul Peter's activity Cornelius unclean food arguments on the requirements for Gentile conversion
Antioch famine and persecution in Jerusalem Peter arrested, miraculously released death of Herod Agrippa parallel to Antiochus IV Epiphanes mission to Cyprus and Asia Minor Jerusalem Council the question of Gentile converts
Mission of Paul Syria, Celicia, Lystra, Derbe, Phrygia, Galatia, Troas (we narratives), Phillippi (Lydia), Thessalonica, Athens, Corinth, return to Antioch Antioch, Ephesus (silversmith riot),Corinth, Macedonia, Phillippi, Troas, Miletus (farewell to presbyters of Ephesus), Tyre, Caesarea Jerusalem to Rome (arrest and trials)