YEAR 7 – Building Bridges Lesson One Developing Vocal Skills Taking Part and Teamwork
Learning Objective Develop vocal techniques through warm-ups and singing as a whole-class ensemble. (2.1a) Personal, learning, and thinking skills we will be focussing on in this lesson are… Effective Participators Team workers
Learning Outcomes All pupils will take part in singing as a whole-class ensemble. Some pupils could develop their own warm-ups which improve vocal technique and share their ideas with the rest of the group. Most pupils should explore ways of improving their voice through a range of vocal-warm-ups and confident singing as part of the group Effective Participators Team workers Learning Objective: Develop vocal techniques through warm-ups and singing as a whole-class ensemble. PLTS
Key Words Voice Vocal warm-up Physical warm-up Diaphragm Stretching Breathing Listening Ensemble SINGING! Effective Participators Team workers Learning Objective: Develop vocal techniques through warm-ups and singing as a whole-class ensemble. PLTS Links to Other Subjects P. E. French / Spanish
Down, down baby, down down the rollercoaster Sweet, sweet baby, I’ll never let you go Gimme gimme cherry pop, gimme gimme rock (x2) Grandma, grandma, sick in bed, Fetch the doctor and the doctor said: Go get the rhythm in the head - ding dong (x2) Go get the rhythm in the hands – clap clap (x2) Go get the rhythm in the feet – stamp stamp (x2) Go get the rhythm in the hot… (x2) Put it all together and what have you got… Ding dong – clap clap – stamp stamp – hot…dog! Put it all backwards and what have you got…? Hot…dog, stamp stamp – clap clap – dong ding! Down Down Baby
Learning to play an instrument…
Getting to know each other How musical are you?! If you could be a famous musician, who would it be? Which instruments can you play? Did you learn to play an instrument at Primary School? If you could learn any instrument, what would it be?
Musical things happening at School Jazz Band Music Technology Club Western Drumming Club Cumberland Choir Rock Bands Senior Choir Performing concerts at Stratford Circus Performing concerts in Central London Urban Music Projects MC Events Working with professional songwriters and MCs String Group Brass Group Gifted and Talented Vocal Group Indian Project School Musical Write an Opera
Learning Outcomes All pupils will take part in singing as a whole-class ensemble. Some pupils could develop their own warm-ups which improve vocal technique and share their ideas with the rest of the group. Most pupils should explore ways of improving their voice through a range of vocal-warm-ups and confident singing as part of the group Effective Participators Team workers Learning Objective: Develop vocal techniques through warm-ups and singing as a whole-class ensemble. PLTS
Learning Objective lesson 2 Be able to use and recall rhythm/sounds 2.1e Personal, learning, and thinking skills we will be focussing on in this lesson are… Creative Thinkers Effective Participators Team workers
Learning Outcomes All pupils will take part in a performance which includes call and response. All pupils must take part in the singing ensemble. Some pupils could develop a complex call and response pattern or break signal and take a lead role in the whole-class ensemble. Most pupils should compose a simple call and response pattern and explore it’s effectiveness by performing with the whole-class ensemble. Creative Thinkers Effective Participators Team workers Learning Objective: To explore and develop call and response as a way of structuring music. PLTS
Key Words Call and response Break signal Ensemble Performing Composing Conductor Junk music Creative Thinkers Effective Participators Team workers Learning Objective: To explore and develop call and response as a way of structuring music. PLTS Links to other subjects Design / Technology Art
Down, down baby, down down the rollercoaster Sweet, sweet baby, I’ll never let you go Gimme gimme cherry pop, gimme gimme rock (x2) Grandma, grandma, sick in bed, Fetch the doctor and the doctor said: Go get the rhythm in the head - ding dong (x2) Go get the rhythm in the hands – clap clap (x2) Go get the rhythm in the feet – stamp stamp (x2) Go get the rhythm in the hot… (x2) Put it all together and what have you got… Ding dong – clap clap – stamp stamp – hot…dog! Put it all backwards and what have you got…? Hot…dog, stamp stamp – clap clap – dong ding! Down Down Baby
Engine no 9 En-gine, en-gine num- ber nine go-ing down chi-ca-go line If the train should jump the track do I get my mo-ney back? Yes no may-be so.
Learning Outcomes All pupils will take part in a performance which includes call and response and participate in the class ensemble. Some pupils could develop a complex call and response pattern or break signal and take a lead role in the whole-class ensemble. Most pupils should compose a simple call and response pattern and explore it’s effectiveness by performing with the whole-class ensemble. Creative Thinkers Effective Participators Team workers Learning Objective: To be able to use and recall rhythm/sounds. PLTS
H/w task-Junk instruments Make an instrument out of rubbish. Your instrument must have 3 sounds: i.e.: rustling sounds. It must be clean and safe (no glass etc) There will be a prize for the best one at the end of this term.