Comparative HRM: employee relations and communications
Collaborative Practices. Employee participation has a long history in Europe. Indirect (or representative) participation has developed in a number of countries and is debated at the European level. Since the early 1990s, the focus of interest has shifted toward less statutory direct participation (Strauss 1998). Much research in this area has focused on the adoption of direct participation structures like teamwork. In Germany, HRM may have limited room for maneuver because of the long-standing tradition of emphasizing statutory participation rather than nonstatutory forms initiated by management, so we expect a lower rate of diffusion of these innovative practices in Germany. French companies are described as hierarchical, with power concentrated at the top (Brunstein 1995; Lane 1995; Maurice and Sorge 2000). This suggests an authority structure with less inclination to share information on strategies with employees, so we expect lower diffusion of collaborative practices in French firms.
Change in the use of electronic methods to communicate major issues to employees during the last 3 years (EU countries)
Change in the use of electronic methods to communicate major issues to employees during the last 3 years (Europe – non EU countries)
Change in the use of electronic methods to communicate major issues to employees during the last 3 years (Rest of world)
Trade Union Membership
Proportion of total number of employees who are members of a trade union (EU countries)
Proportion of total number of employees who are members of a trade union (Europe – non EU countries)
Proportion of total number of employees who are members of a trade union (Rest of world)
Trade Union Density and Collective Bargaining Coverage
Why do communication and consultation seem to be moving from teh representative to the individual forms? – HRM replacing unions as employee champions Examples of successful non union companies in management literature – Mistrust of unions – In order to weaken unions, management may attempt to improve individual communication – Changing nature of work itself No longer structured, standardised jobs Knowledge intensive work