Computing activities in France Dominique Boutigny CC-IN2P3 May 12, 2006 Centre de Calcul de l’IN2P3 et du DAPNIA Restricted ECFA Meeting in Paris
HEP Computing Organization in France up to the BaBar / D0 Era The computing is organized around the IN2P3 / DAPNIA Computing Center Hosting data Securing data Providing most of the computing power Physicists are located in their laboratories Connected to CC-IN2P3 Small local computing infrastructure Oriented toward DAQ developments Desktop computing Software developments Physics analysis
Computing Evolution in the LHC Era T2 T3 CC-IN2P3 still plays a central role as a Tier-1 But significant resources are building up within Tiers-2 and Tier-3 Hosting most of the data Securing data Providing a large fraction of the computing power And opening to multidisciplinary applications Grid architecture
A Strong Network Infrastructure Originally based on a private network: PhyNet Now relying on the National Research and Education Network: RENATER Backbone of the Grid architecture Opening to the European and International network Notice the 10 Gbit/s link between CERN and CC-IN2P3 LHC Optical Private Network First Optical Circuit of the RENATER 4 infrastructure
CC-IN2P3 Status CC-IN2P3 is a CNRS Unit of Service and Research located in Lyon DAPNIA Funding (2006) 5.75 M€ - CNRS not including salaries 1.60 M€ - CEA / DAPNIA 0.78 M€ - Contracts ~2 M € - CNRS salaries Manpower: 60,5 Full Time Equivalent
CPU resources ~1.7 MSpecInt 2000 available ~ equivalent to 1700 today’s single core processors CPU consumption at CC-IN2P3 Major upgrades ×10 in 5 years 80-85% efficiency NEC bi-Xeon Farm
CPU Usage All the CPU nodes can be accessed through the Grid Running 7 days a week and 24h a day Very high reliability: CC-IN2P3 is 20 year old – Our engineers know how to run and operate a large computing center Queued Running
Disk resources 350 TB of disk storage available to experiments Highly reliable disk system But very expensive (7 € / GB) IBM DS 8300 After a careful evaluation, CC-IN2P3 is now purchasing new storage solutions Cheaper (<2€/GB) But with performance adequate for storage intensive applications (LHC) 60 high end servers just for data access
Mass Storage System (MSS) 6 StorageTek silos (36000 cartridges) Access to the MSS mainly using HPSS (High Performance Storage System) and dynamic automatic staging A lot of experience accumulated during BaBar era on Hierarchical Storage System: MSS + Disk cache ~1.2 PB in HPSS now A file on tape is copied on disk and available within 2 minutes
CC-IN2P3 Users ~70 groups ~2500 users CC-IN2P3 has been opened to non-French users since the beginning of BaBar ~ 20% of CPU resources are being used by foreign physicist / institutes Nuclear Physics 14% Astroparticles 24% AUGER HESS NEMO ANTARES SNovae …
A remark on AstroParticles Astroparticles are now eating up ¼ of the Lyon Computing Center CC-IN2P3 is a Tier-0 for AUGER PLANCK has plans for its computing in the PByte storage scale and with large CPU needs Analysis pattern may be very demanding on: Input / Output performances Memory requirements Dumb “Pizza Boxes” may not not be enough for analysis Supercomputer models ??? Project at SLAC to develop a multi TByte central memory computer with “cheap” technology Astroparticle computing may become very challenging in the near future
Specificities of HEP computing HEP computing: 1 event 1 complete and self contained treatment N events (1 run) 1 CPU M runs M CPU Parallelism is obvious in experimental HEP Providing CPU resources is easy (with enough money ) CPU for meteorology, earth science or lattice QCD is much more complicated IT language: Weakly Coupled Parallelism So what are we good in ? High performance storage is an HEP specificity Huge mass of data High performance I/O Intensive data distribution BaBar was absolutely crucial to gain this experience It is a knowledge that we can bring to other science
The W-LCG project CERN Lab a Lab c Univ. n Lab m Lab b Univ. b Univ. y Univ. x Allemagne Tier1 1 USA FermiLab UK France Italy Hollande USA Brookhaven Japon Lab d France Lab e France A distributed computing model on a Grid architecture for LHC computing ASCC/Taipei RAL/UK CCIN2P3/FR TRIUMF/CA GridKa/DE CNAF/IT PIC/SP BNL/US Tier-0 Tier-1 USC Krakow CIEMAT Rome Taipei Canada CSCS UB IFCA IC MSU IN2P3-LPC Cambridge IFIC Tier-2 Tier-3 GRIF IN2P3-Subatech SARA/NL LAPP CPPM Labo X
The French LCG Organization LHC Application Groups LHC Application Groups CC-IN2P3 Team LCG Tier-1 Grid Services, Operation & Support Team LCG Tier-1 Grid Services, Operation & Support Tier-2 Other Tier-1 WLCG: CB, OB, MB, GDB Management Board Scientific Coord: F. Malek Technical Coord: F. Hernandez CC-IN2P3 head: D. Boutigny Technical Coord. T2/T3: F. Chollet Remote Tier-2 Steering Committee
Worldwide Tier-1 InstitutionCountry Experiments served with priority ALICEATLASCMSLHCb TRIUMFCanada CC-IN2P3France FZK-GridKAGermany CNAFItaly NIKHEF/SARANetherlands Nordic Data Grid FacilityDK/FI/NO/SE PICSpain ASGCTaiwan RALUnited Kingdom BNLUSA FNALUSA Total61076
The French Tier-1 Contributions to the computing effort at the level of the financial investment to the experiments ATLAS: 45% - CMS: 25% - ALICE: 15% - LHCb: 15% French T1 / offered capacity
Planned resources for W-LCG 2005 : ~1500 processors – ~1.3 M SpecInt2000 ~350 TB disk MSS ~ 1 PB 2008 : ~10 M SpecInt PB disk 4 PB MSS ×8 ×11 ×4 Moore Law: ×~4 1 order of magnitude change in 3 years Impact on CC is big CPU Disk Current status 500 to 1000 disk servers necessary
Expected budget We are planning to hire ~6 people between now and 2008 Large investment peak in 2007/2008 We also expect 3 to 4 people / year during 4 years to switch from non-LHC to LHC activities LHC Computing is a major effort at IN2P3 / DAPNIA In 2008 we foresee to devote the equivalent of the current Computing Center to non-LHC experiments.
Connections to T0, T1, T2 T2 T3 Connection to CERN at 10 Gb/s 3 T2 and at least 3 T3 in France Will have to make sure that the data transfers between T1 and T2 are running smoothly and with an adequate network bandwidth CC-IN2P3 and BNL will be T1 partners to ensure ATLAS data redundancy ANR project on grid interoperability and massive data transfers with Fermilab Start with a 2× 1Gb/s dedicated bandwidth then evolve to a dedicated 10 Gb/s link Strong involvement from RENATER in this project – Collaboration with IT science Several project to connect foreign “orphans” T2 to CC-IN2P3 China, Japan, Korea, Morocco, South Africa, Romania, Belgium IN2P3 strategy to establish collaborations with Asia A MOU has already been signed up with IHEP Beijing
The French Tiers-2 / AF 3 T2 in France Nantes (ALICE) Clermont Ferrand (ALICE – ATLAS – LHCb) GRIF - T2 for the Paris region (all 4 experiments) - This is an association of 5 laboratories: DAPNIA, LAL, IPNO, LLR, LPNHE-Paris connected through a performant network + 1 Analysis facility embedded within the CC-IN2P3 T1 Rely on the T1 for Mass Storage T2 MC production MSS Physics data storage Current CC-IN2P3 CPU and Disk capacity
T3 the Annecy Example A significant amount of computing resources mainly oriented towards Physics Analysis 3 T3 in France: Annecy – Marseille and Strasbourg IN2P3 is concentrating its budget on the T1 T2 and T3 have to found other resources (IN2P3 will only finance T2/T3 hardware renewal after 2008) Annecy: Budget obtained up to now Ministry : 200 k€ University: 80 k€ Required budget: ~1 M€ Connected to the W-LCG Grid but with a strong priority for local users Goal 20 TB 200 CPU Manpower: 3 FTE in running phase The T3 is strongly related to the “CREDO” project: Meeting center devoted to physics LHC Dark Matter ILC Theory / Experiment
EGEE Enabling Grids for E-sciencE is a multidisciplinary project funded by EU and driven by CERN Pilot New Phase I is over – Phase II is starting now 90 partners in 32 countries Total funding for EGEE II ~ 32 M€ France is involved in several Work Package Applications Operation Network Training Quality Assurance Deep involvement from CC-IN2P3 ~10 people funded by EGEE Very important for the success of the LHC computing in France New involvement in the EGEE Network Operation Center Strong involvement from Clermont-Ferrand
After EGEE ICAD It is crucial to maintain the Grid operational infrastructure (and developments) after EGEE II shutdown Proposal from Guy Wormser to CNRS Multidisciplinary Research Project : ICAD Provide a distributed computing and storage infrastructure as a resource to the scientific community Built upon the present EGEE/LCG infrastructure Budget growing from 0.5 M€ to 1 M€/year Very promising project – Initial approval step in CNRS has been successful
Conclusions LHC computing is a major challenge and IN2P3/DAPNIA is putting a lot of effort in making it a success First priority ( T1) T2 / T3 will bring important resources to LHC computing / analysis The T3 model, strongly related to physics analysis is an interesting approach in my opinion Astroparticles experiment may become a significant resource consumer very soon Computing may not be considered anymore as a local matter International partnerships are crucial The international network capacity has build up much faster than expected This is what has made the LHC computing feasible