Eric Gallo Region 2 GOLD
Region 2 Meeting February GOLD? Targeted at members that have recently entered the workforce. Create programs geared towards younger members and create stronger membership base. Assist in transition between academic and professional life Increase retention of recent graduates and communication between students chapters and sections
Region 2 Meeting February Where does GOLD stand Foundations are laid Resources are Available: – GOLD Web Site ( – GOLD Program Resources Guide – GOLD Brochure, Table-top display – RAB GOLD Committee – Quick Start Incentive Funding(QSIF)
Region 2 Meeting February GOLD in Region 2 4,125 Active Members 3 Affinity groups recognized by IEEE 59 total in world Average is around 6 per Region 13% of total membership
Region 2 Meeting February GOLD Groups in Region 2 Columbus Philadelphia Northern Virginia Susquehanna Pittsburgh Washington?
Region 2 Meeting February GOLD groups - benefit the Section More volunteers Young volunteers, fresh insights More programs, more members Future leaders Retain the graduating students
Region 2 Meeting February Getting started Appoint Gold Chair Recruit graduating student leaders Section Leaders recruit young engineers on the job Work with Eric on finding potential leaders Create Affinity Groups Request funds(QSIF)
Region 2 Meeting February Quick Start Incentive Funding Up to $500 available for initiating a GOLD program $200 Unmatched $300 Matched An excellent way to kick-off your affinity group!
Region 2 Meeting February GOLD QSIF Program Facilitates start-up GOLD activities Participation of GOLD members in Section activities Funding is available and matched to Section funding Proposal is submitted with activity plans & budget details Reviewed & approved by GOLD Committee sub-committee
Region 2 Meeting February Generating Interest Offer to sponsor presentation on campus “What does IEEE really offer me once I graduate” Transitioning between student and professional Actively promote IEEE events to students Sponsor Student Night where students meet with Executive Committee Members Work with universities, human resources, etc to actively pursue younger members Don’t wait for a “young leader” to emerge, create one
Region 2 Meeting February Support for GOLD GOLD Mentors Support Student Activities and reward student leaders and chapters Encourage younger members to work on executive committee and even hold officer positions Integrate GOLD member needs in events and programs
Region 2 Meeting February Region 2 GOLD Goals Strengthen GOLD/Student Chapter relations Presentations Joint Activities Improved Region Communication of GOLD leaders Updated Website Calendar of local events Promotional information to be distributed to students and young engineers
Region 2 Meeting February Region 2 Coordinator Contribution Work with sections to create affinity groups Work with affinity group leaders to create stronger programs Work with student chapters to create stronger interest and better retention Give young engineers reason to maintain membership
Region 2 Meeting February Contact me Eric Gallo