Find your name on the note cards located on the corner of a desk. Have a seat quietly and take out a pencil or pen.
Bell Ringer What is science? You may use your own colored pencils.
Summer Vacation
Most Important Page Everything you need to know!
Daily Procedures You will walk into the room quietly! Take out your book, notebook, pencil and start working on the bell ringer. I will walk around the room to make sure you complete it. It counts as a daily participation grade! The bell ringer will be either on the LCD projector or a handout. When I have assigned homework you must turn this into the correct period box before the bell rings or it is considered late!
Syllabus I will pass out the syllabus you must have your parents sign the third page and bring it to me by Friday of next week! This is a free 100 quiz grade!!!
What You Will Need in Your Notebook (Dividers) Activator Notes Class work/Labs Graded work In order for the entire team: Language arts, math, science, and social studies.
Agendas You must keep them with you all the time They are your hall pass/bathroom pass I will tell you where I sign at for you to leave the room. We will go over what your parents and you have to sign.
Schedule On the board behind you.
Locker Time You may go to your locker before school Before exploratory You must take your lunch with you. You are not allowed to have book bags in the classroom
West Lee Dress Code Hats, scarves, bandannas, skullcaps, sunglasses, sweatbands, etc, are not to be worn inside the building. Shirts must have obvious shoulder length. Tank tops, halter tops, and spaghetti straps are not permitted. Midriffs may not be exposed. Boys must tuck in their shirts.
West Lee Dress Code No clothing that advertises illegal substances, offensive statements, pictures, or remarks Shorts and skirts must reach mid-thigh. Pants and shorts must be worn at the waistline. Heavy chains of any type are not permitted Any garment that disrupts instructional program cannot be worn to school.