The Innovative Learning Platform
Elevator Pitch SmartED is a digital school that provides learning in a classroom experience via Tablet for Primary and Secondary School students in Nigeria and West Africa following standard West African Schools Curriculum. SmartED does live recording of teaching done in a teaching studio and are packaged into Years like(Year 1, Year2 etc) for ease of distribution. Our Objective is to provide quality education to the millions of children unreached with education in rural sub- saharan Africa especially those displaced by civil wars, those who find learning too expensive and as a learning alternative for those in schools who may not have quality teachers and will like to be self taught or home study. Every module learnt comes with a short quiz before proceeding to the next module hence student can re-watch the video if they are unsatisfied with their test score. Since lessons will include infographics and well recorded audio we anticipate best learning experience for the students. Yearly, each student will pay a token fee to continue/join on the service as low as $100 and they will get a tablet loaded with pre-recorded lessons/quizzes content of their present class. Our scholarship schemes will be run in partnership with development agencies who will pay for those displaced by civil wars or refugees.
The Problem SmartED provides standard school curriculum learning opportunity for students who are out of school for several reasons: 1. Those who live in areas where there is no school. 2. Those who have been displaced from their homes as a result of civil war or have refugee status by any means. SmartED provides standard school curriculum video lessons in place of very expensive home-tutoring for students who are already in school. SmartED provides gamified lessons for Pre-Schools, some Primary and secondary school lessons. All Lessons comes with a quiz and a Forum conversation where students can engage co-learners and teachers.
The Solutions ✓ SmartED focuses on quality teaching of experienced teachers following international best practices while using the West African states curriculum. ✓ SmartED video lessons are well paced following the 3-term/year school system in preparation of the lessons which is in-line with the local syllabuses making it easy for students already in school to use it as a continuous learning tool after school. ✓ There is presently no any digital school in Nigeria, which makes us the first and the leader in this space. Making our potential market size over 40Million people. ✓ SmartED Is learning focused platform delivered offline while most of our competitors focuses on testing and mostly online. With the present bad state of internet infrastructure in most west African states this puts us at an advantage.
Business Model Each Tablet is sold for $100 at a $25 profit margin. PROFITS ✓ 1st Year: 100,000 X $25 = $2,500,000 ✓ 2nd Year: 150,000 X $25 = $3,750,000 ✓ 3rd Year: 250,000 X $25 = $6,250,000
Budget ✓ What are you currently spending money on? 1. Lesson note preparation 2. Recruitments and basic training. ✓ How much investment money are you requesting? $200,000 ✓ How would the additional money help grow your business? ✓ We will use this investment mainly for Contents Creation, Sales and marketing. ✓ Payment of Teachers ✓ Payment of Staff, inclusive of Software Engineers,Video Editor/ Visual Effect Manager, Graphics Designer. ✓ Tablet Production ✓ Sales and Marketing