Welcome to Fifth Grade Testing Parent Information 2016
TEST SUBJECTS: Writing English Language Arts (ELA) Math Science
FSA TESTING RATIONALE: The rationale behind the FSA testing is that students are being tested on the standards that they have been taught. Our students have been working on and with all of these standards all year.
TESTING DATES 2016: March 1: Writing ELA (120 minutes) April 11-14: ELA (2:80 minute on-line sessions) April 19-22: Math (2:80 minute on-line sessions) April 26-27: Science (2:80 minute sessions)
MATH TOPICS: Operations, Algebraic Thinking & numbers in Base Ten Numbers and Operations- Fractions Measurement, Data & Geometry
MATH SMART 7 STRATEGIES: Step 1: Read each problem. Underline the question. Step 2: Circle Key Words ( altogether, how many more, each, in all, difference, equal, groups, total, not, per). Step 3: Think about what the problem is asking you to do ( +, -, x, /, complete a pattern, measure, find area, analyze data). Step 4: Solve the problem and show your work. Think real hard is it a two part problem? Steps 5/6: Compare the answer choices to your work using the process of elimination. Check to make sure your answer makes sense.
SWAG: Spot the question: (Underline the questions) What are the key words/phrases: (Circle or highlight) Analyze how to solve: (What steps are necessary?) Get the answer: (Substitute, evaluate, simplify, solve …whatever it takes)
T HINGS WE ARE DOING IN SCHOOL: Math Daily Reviews Computer Lab Small Group Practice Practice taking math tests on computer Practicing typing skills Tutoring
THINGS YOU CAN DO AT HOME: Review Basic Facts H.O.T. problems in math textbook I-Ready Computer Program Math Websites:
…MORE THINGS YOU CAN DO AT HOME: Estimate Read Charts and Graphs Establish and Balance a Budget Have students help you balance checking account
ELA Topics: Key ideas and details Craft and structure Integration of knowledge and ideas Language and editing Text based writing
READING SMART 7 STRATEGIES: Step 1: Read and Box the title & Number Paragraphs. Step 2: Read Each Question and circle important words in the question. Step 3: Read each paragraph or section carefully and ask yourself, “Do I understand what I just read?” Make comments in the margins. Step 4: Read each question and put a check, question mark or X beside each choice. Step 5/6: Underline and prove your answer correct. This question may be author and me, think and search, on my own or right there. Step 7: Mark your answer.
THINGS WE ARE DOING AT SCHOOL: i-Station Computer Program Leveled readers Practice tests Reading Skill Books Accelerated Reader Reading Novels Small Group Instruction Practicing typing skills
THINGS YOU CAN DO AT HOME: Encourage your child to read books at home and ask them about what they are reading to check for comprehension. Review Reading Vocabulary Access i-Station from home
…MORE THINGS YOU CAN DO AT HOME: Research topics of interest to your child Practice putting ideas in your own words Write and organize your thoughts in a way that would lead someone to agree with you Talk about what you love
SCIENCE TOPICS: Physical and Chemical Sciences Life and Environmental Science Earth and Space Sciences Scientific Thinking Tests standards from previous grade levels which students should have mastered -review these on Pearson textbook website
THINGS WE ARE DOING IN SCHOOL: Science Assessment Vocabulary Review Science Lab
THINGS YOU CAN DO AT HOME: Encourage your child to read or watch programs about science topics Monitor and predict the weather Notice the natural world around you and talk about it with your child e.g. caterpillars to butterflies Pearsonsuccessnet.com goes along with our science text has on-line videos and games for all grade levels
SCIENCE PRACTICE QUESTION: Erosion and weathering can both cause changes to the surface of Earth. Which of the following happens only because of weathering? A. Rocks form deep underground B. Rocks become smooth and round C. Rocks are broken apart into small pieces D. Rocks are moved from one place to another
TEST TAKING TIPS: Get plenty of rest the night before Set out clothes and anything else the night before to avoid problems in the morning Eat a good nutritional breakfast Talk to your child about any test taking anxiety that they may have Get to school on time Attendance is very important Let your child know you believe in their abilities!
PARENT RESOURCE ROOM: There are laptops available in the Parent Resource Room for parents to check out for use at home. If you have never gone down to the resource room please make a point to visit and see the wonderful materials available for our parents to check out.
Thank you for helping prepare our students and all you do for Clermont Elementary!