We will be exploring: Post WWI America Push & Pull factors Immigrant difficulties The Social, economic & political status of different racial groups.
America found that it was a very rich country It had lots of raw materials which could make money like oil, coal and steel It had huge companies that turned over vast amounts of money and became very successful Industrial production doubled, the economy grew rapidly and fortunes were made.
World War I: The USA arrived late into the war and was able to capitalise on the suffering of poorer countries. For example, USA gave Germany a loan to pay her reparation payments. New technologies The age of mass production had arrived. In the decade of the 1920s economic output increased by a staggering 50%. Consumer boom Because goods could be produced in greater numbers and at much lower prices, more people were able to afford them. This led to huge increases in the sales of products e.g. cars. Buying on Credit Hire purchase – ability to buy products on credit – aided the consumer boom. Because times were good, people were not worried about having to keep up payments. Government policies The government increased taxes on imported goods in 1922 which encouraged Americans to buy American products – they were cheaper.
The Wall Street Crash Collapse of share prices on Wall Street ruined many businesses and bankruptcies reached a record high. Credit When the Stock Exchange collapse arrived, people were unable to pay their debts. This led to decrease in demand for consumer goods and huge lay-offs from factories. Banking Crisis When the Wall Street Crash happened, investors asked banks for their money bank. Banks could not deliver the money and were forced to close. Import & Export Protection In response to the USAs high taxes on import goods, other countries had done the same to their products meaning it was almost impossible for the USA to increase overseas exports. Farming Due to European recovery of agriculture post WWI, US products were no longer in demand.
Immigration – Push and Pull 1800 population of America was 2 million population of America was over 100 million Why did this increase? (movement of people into a country)
WASPs White Anglo Saxon Protestant WASPs thought they were the most important people in America They were “old” immigrants mostly from Britain who made America powerful WASPs did not like the “new” immigrants If WASPs were at the “top of the heap” then America’s Black population was at the bottom.
Immigration – Push and Pull There are 2 main factors which explain why people immigrated to America 1. reasons 2. reasons For this task, you will be required to take note of 4 push & 4 pull factors. Each must have a short explanation/ example.
Famine The Irish potato famine forced many Irish to seek news lives in America.
High Rents & Evictions: Many Scots left because they couldn’t afford to pay the increase in rents. Also, many were evicted to make space for sheep.
Unemployment: Many people emigrated to America in search of jobs. E.g. Unemployment in the UK was high due to the Great Depression.
War/Revolution: Many people emigrated post WWI in order to escape war or the effects of revolution. For example, the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the following Civil War pushed many people from Russia.
The American Dream: If you work hard, you can have a better lifestyle. Even the poorest person can succeed. America offered; education etc.
Jobs: The USA was booming in industry post WWI e.g. car manufacturing. Freedom/Peace: Freedom of speech Democratic country.
Proper Housing: Many were attracted by the allure of better housing in the USA; escaping the slums of their own country.
Journey to America 1800s took 6 – 14 weeks to cross Atlantic Food consisted of bread, biscuits and potatoes Disease such as typhus and cholera were common
Journey to America By 1890s steam-powered ships cut crossing time to 2 weeks Steamships could hold up to 2000 passengers Still a lack ventilation "the atmosphere was so thick and dense with smoke and bodily odours that your head itched, and when you went to scratch your head... you got lice in your hands."
Arrival in US – Ellis Island From 1892 immigrants were taken to Ellis Island in New York before being allowed entry to USA Immigrants were given a number and then ‘processed’
Arrival in US – Ellis Island Checked by a doctor for over 60 illnesses Series of questions asked After 1921 had to pass literacy test If they passed they were given a landing card Allowed them to enter the US
Problems facing new immigrants Education? Jobs? Couldn’t get jobs or houses Couldn’t afford decent housing or food. Many were unskilled so earned very little. Crime Diseases Many Catholic. Disliked by WASPS No political rights – no right to vote.
Source B is an extract from The Scottish Nation, by Professor Tom Devine. A great challenge faced Scotland upon the death of the great King Alexander III. Strong and courageous, he held Scotland together – free from war and hunger. The succession of the Maid of Norway was problematic in many ways. Being female presented problems regarding military leadership. Also, who would she marry? A foreigner or even a nobleman? A careful choice would be needed to avoid civil war. Assess the usefulness of Source B as evidence of the causes of the succession crisis. (6)
Source A As soon as the immigrants step off the decks of their ships our problem has begun – Bolshevism, red anarchy, crooks and kidnappers. Thousands come here who never take the oath to support our Constitution and to become citizens of the United States. They do not respect what our flag represents. They pay allegiance to some other country and flag while they live upon the benefits of our own. They are of no service whatever to our people. They constitute a menace and a danger to us every day. Source B It may be asked why, then, did the town take so enthusiastically to the Klan? Many old stock Americans believed they were in danger of being overrun. The “foreigners were ruining our country”; and so anything “foreign” was “un-American” and a menace. Cars were draped with the American flag and some carried homemade signs with Klan slogans such as “America for the Americans”. How far do Sources A and B agree about American attitudes to immigrants in the 1920s? (4)
Describe the problems facing new immigrants in the USA during the 1920s. (6) Why did so many people emigrate to the USA after WWI? (6)