Case Report Shao-Ching Chao, Chiung-Chyi Shen, Department of Neurosurgery Taichung Veterans General Hospital
Mr. Chen 64 years-old male 95/03/31 Chief Complaint : Progressive frontal headache and memory impairment for two weeks
Present Illness : This patient was relative well-being before and denied other systemic disease. This time, he suffered from progressive frontal headache and memory impairment for two weeks. He came to Chan-Chin hospital where CT of brain revealed irregular ring-enhanced lesion over right frontal- temporal area with mass effect. Surgical intervention was suggested. Then he came to our NS OPD for help. Under the impression of brain tumor, right F-T,he was admitted to our ward for further care.
Neurological Examination Consciousness: alert JOMAC: impairment Cranial: OK Motor and sensory: OK
Past history: Denied systemic disease Denied history of operation Denied drug allergy
Right frontal-temporal craniotomy with removal of tumor under navigator- guided Tumor mass in front of the right sylvian fissure and 1.5 cm from the mid-line, about 8x10 cm was removed en bloc. The tumor content was gray, softer than the brain tissue, and high vascularity