Department of Radiotherapy & Radiobiology, Department of Ophthalmology*, Medical University of Vienna, Austria OPTIMIZING LINAC BASED STEREOTACTIC RADIOTHERAPY OF UVEAL MELANOMAS: 7 YEARS CLINICAL EXPERIENCE Karin Dieckmann Dietmar Georg Martin Zehetmayer *Joachim Bogner Martin Chorvat Bernhard Petersch Hajo Weitmann Richard Pötter
Patients data patientsn=158: m:n=92 f:n=66 Involved eye l:n=81 r:n=77 Tumor thickness ≤3mm n=11 >3mm n=147 Distance tumor macula 0 mm n=51 > 0 3 mmn=93 >3mmn=14 Distance to optic nerve 0 mm n=40 > 0 3 mmn=87 >3mmn=31
Fixation System and Treatment Performance LINAC 6 MV (5x14Gy; 5x12Gy prescribed to 80% isodose)
Pupil position control Automatic radiation interruption Slow driftSudden eye movement
Patients results median follow-up 33.4 months (range 3-85 months) local control 98% (155/158 pts.) Tu- volume reduction12/24/36 months: 32 % /39%/48% Tu- thickness reduction 12/24/36 months: 24% /29%/40% Side effects: retinopathy n=70 44% 23 mo (range 0-60) cataract n=3023% optic neuropathy n=6541% 27 mo (range 12-72) neovas. glaucoma n=2313.8% 24 mo (range 12-72)