The rhinos are large herbivores with thick skin and one horn. Bathing in mud influences their condition. They cannot recognise the man from the tree from a distance of more than 15 meters. Each rhino needs to eat many kilograms of leaves, twigs, fruit and grass a day. They spend almost half of their lifes on this activity.
These animals hunt mostly at night and in the colder moments of the day. Rhinos lead a lonely life and they live about 45 years. Today there are five species of rhinos including two in Africa.
People kill rhinos because of their horns which are used as a remedy against fever, headache and heart or liver diseases. The number of these animals is falling down. The future of the whole family of rhinos is in danger.
T H E E N D Wykonała : Hanna Misztela lB Zwierzęta : nosorożce Grafika :