The Living Sacrifice
Christ’s sacrifice on the cross redeemed man It is the ONLY sacrifice to do so Christ gave us the Eucharist for 2 reasons So we could have an acceptable sacrifice for the Father So we might have eternal life
The Mass is the same sacrifice Since there is only one sacrifice It is a “re-presentation” of the sacrifice on the cross Allows the one sacrifice to continue for all of time Jesus is the victim of Calvary and the Mass He is present under the appearances of bread and wine Jesus is the priest of Calvary and the Mass Priest celebrates the Mass in persona Christi ▪ In the person of Christ Jesus is offering His sacrifice of the cross to the Father in Heaven right now ▪ The priest makes this offering present on earth for us to partake in ▪ We should offer ourselves to God along with the offering of His Son
Jesus’ sacrifice of the cross truly occurs at every Mass The Mass is also a memorial Allows us to remember Christ’s sacrifice “Do this in memory of Me” But it is not only a memorial Also allows us to remember His resurrection ▪ Each Mass is a “mini-Sunday”
Mass is the perfect prayer Prayer has 4 ends (purposes) 4 Ends of the Mass Worship Thanksgiving Make up for sins Petition
Mass is the act of supreme worship Christ’s greatest gift to the Church He gave us an offering that is truly acceptable to the Father - Himself
Eucharist = “Thanksgiving” Greek We have much to thank God for Most notably, that He gave us His Son to save us for our sins ▪ We thank Him for this by offering Jesus back to the Father
Need to make satisfaction for sins Reparation = make up for Agnus Dei “Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us… grant us peace”
Petition: Asking for what it is that we need Mass is our best means of petition We obtain grace for ourselves and others