1. Mood 2. Tone 3. Foreshadowing 4. Flashback 5. Unreliable Narrator 6. Round Character 7. Flat Character 8. Horror Fiction 9. Symbolism a. A person telling the story who can’t be trusted b. A character who we learn a lot about. c. A representation of a big, abstract idea through an object or phrase. d. A genre of writing that relies on fear to suck us in. e. The emotional feeling we have as a reader. f. Clues as to the end of the story. g. The manner in which the writer decides to present the story. h. A character we don’t learn a lot about i. Going back to a time before the current story. Make a three-column chart. Write the word on the left and the definition on the right
Literary DeviceDefinitionNotes
a. A person telling the story who can’t be trusted b. A character who we learn a lot about. c. A representation of a big, abstract idea through an object or phrase. d. A genre of writing that relies on fear to suck us in. e. The emotional feeling we have as a reader. f. Clues as to the end of the story. g. The manner in which the writer decides to present the story. h. A character we don’t learn a lot about i. Going back to a time before the current story.
By Edgar Allen Poe
Fiction that plays on our emotions such as fear. Good horror makes us think there might be a POSSIBILITY of the horrible thing actually being true. Horror fiction contains a monster: Someone or something threatening and/or impure (evil). If the monster is threatening, we feel scared. If the monster is impure, we feel disgusted.
Most of the lessons have to do with discovering something about the possibility of bad human nature or evil experience.
Edgar Allen Poe was the first American Horror Story author. Poe’s characters experienced much internal conflict, which made him a master of psychological suspense.
In “The Tell- Tale Heart” the narrator insists he is not mad (crazy). As the story unfolds, we are exposed to the darkness of his mind and questionable sanity.
Round characters Characters that have a lot of personality and development. Flat characters Characters that we do not know much about at all.
Use of a physical item represents a more important, abstract idea. A “dark shadow” may represent Death. For example, a wedding ring symbolizes the unending love of a couple. There is no beginning or end to the circle.
The atmosphere or emotional feeling of a story Mood is revealed through the description of the setting, the characters, and the dialogue.
The author’s attitude toward the subject of their writing, such as positive/negative; compassionate/uncarin g. NOTE: the MOOD is something that the reader feels. The TONE is something that the writer feels. Mr. T.W.
Watch the following two clips. What is the tone of each clip? How does changing the way a story is presented change the tone? m/watch?v=L4KQsPnz 8Tw m/watch?v=L4KQsPnz 8Tw m/watch?v=frUPnZMx r08 m/watch?v=frUPnZMx r08
Narrator : The person telling us the story. First Person : His own experience and recollection of events. Unreliable Narrator : A narrator that doesn't know the truth, or doesn't have a realistic version of the true story. As readers, we know the truth or otherwise come to distrust the words of the narrator. As we read, determine whether this narrator is reliable or unreliable. As we read/listen write down clues to the narrator's sanity or insanity.
Two moments of intensity in a story. This happens when a character has more than one conflict to overcome. Conflict tension Climax What are two conflicts that the narrator has to overcome? What events cause the conflict for the narrator?
Foreshadowing: A technique through which a writer provides clues about the outcome of a story before the end. Flashback: A technique through which a writer stops the present flow of a story to tell about something that happened at an earlier date. As we read the story, write down clues that indicate how the story will end.
Acute Audacity Conceived Crevice Stifled Derision Hypocritical Stealthily Vex Vehemently Suavity Sagacity Waned
1. Example: look for punctuation and words such as “like”, “or”, “for example.” 2. General: Read the whole paragraph for the meaning of the word. 3. Synonym/Compare: using a word with the same meaning that you probably know to provide the meaning of the context word. 4. Antonym/Contrast: using a word with an opposite meaning you probably know to provide the meaning of the context word. 5. Restatement: the definition is provided in the sentence.
“Above all was my sense of hearing acute. I hear all things in the heaven and the earth.” Synonym: precise Antonym: dull Sharp/keen
“ I welcomed them to their seats with a wild audacity and triumph.” Synonym: bravado Antonym: wimpy Shameless daring or boldness
“It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain, but once conceived, it haunted me day and night.” Synonym: imagined Antonym: forget Thought of
“It was not the old man who vexed me, but his Evil Eye.” Synonym: bother, bug, irritate Antonym: ignored To annoy or disturb
“…it was a low, stifled sound that arises from the bottom of the soul.” Synonym: quiet, trapped Antonym: loud Muffled
“I opened the lamp to reveal a tiny crevice…” Synonym: space Antonym: seal A crack
“You can not imagine how stealthily and quietly I opened the lantern.” Synonym: sneaky Antonym: clumsy Sinister cautiousness
“ I talked more quickly, more vehemently…” Synonym: certain Antonym: insecure With intense emotion
“They were making a mockery of me! I was tired of such derision and joking!” Synonym: make fun of Antonym: tolerate Ridicule
“I could bear their hypocritical smiles no longer!” Synonym: two- faced Antonym: honest False or deceptive, pretending to be who you are not.
The girl’s smile was a tell-tale sign that she was lying to her mother. Synonym: tattletale, a symbol of existence Antonym: secrets Something that reveals or betrays what is not intended to be known
“Never before had I known the power of my own sagacity, of my own wit.” Synonym: smart Antonym: dumb Intelligent
“There entered three men, who introduced themselves with perfect suavity.” Synonym: cool Antonym: uncool Smooth, refined
“The night waned, but still I worked hastily and in silence.” Synonym: cease Antonym: begin To approach the end of a period of time.
Fold your paper so that you have 8 squares. Number each square. Leave room for writing and drawing We will stop and visualize what is happening in the scene. Below each drawing, write a sentence explaining what is happening in the frame.
1. What terrible thing does the narrator do? 2. What drives the man to do the deed? 3. Do you think the old-man knew he was going to die? How? 4. Why does the man confess his crime to the police? 5. What does the beating heart represent? 6. What is meant by “Tell-Tale” Heart? In other words, what does the phrase symbolize? 7. What effect does the repetition of phrases have on the mood of the story? “with what caution—with what foresight—with what dissimulation.” 8. Where is this man now that he can tell us the story? 9. Is the narrator reliable? Why or why not? Use examples from the story to support your answer. 10. Was the narrator sane and just pushed to the point of horrible behavior, or was he insane all along? Use evidence from the story to support your answer.