Vocabulary Lesson 14 Omar AbdulMohsen G/11B
Filial Of or expected from a son or daughter of a parent's or parents' offspring. Synonym: Familial Antonym: Unfilial Sentence: If the adopted child failed to carry out the filial duty the contract was annulled in the law courts.
Chagrin A feeling of disappointment, distress, or embarrassment. Synonym: Shame, displeasure Antonym: Comfort, confidence Sentence: Overwhelmed with chagrin, her father died on the 4th of April 1996.
Cede To yield or formally surrender to another. Synonym: Give up, transfer Antonym: Hold, refuse Sentence: The US army were forced to cede there territories to the republic.
Proficient Advanced in a particular art or science; skilled; expert; qualified. Synonym: Gifted, expert Antonym: Ignorant, incapable Sentence: He became remarkably proficient in all branches of learning, but especially in mathematics.
Precipitate v. To cause something to happen; to bring about quickly or suddenly. adj. Reckless; rash Synonym: Accelerate Antonym: Block Sentence: The passing of the gun control bill may precipitate a rapid increase in illegal gun sales.
Remission A release from a debt or duty; a lessening of intensity. Synonym: Release Antonym: Continuation Sentence: We acknowledge one purifying experience for remission of sins.
Interpose To put between; to insert between parts. Synonym: Insert Antonym: Eject Sentence: It can be dangerous to interpose yourself between a cat fight.
Debonair Graceful, charming, and smooth; seemingly carefree. Synonym: Affable Antonym: Unsophisticated Sentence: On the day of his wedding, my brother looked debonair in his tuxedo.
Blithe Happy; joyful; carefree. Synonym: Carefree Antonym: Depressed Sentence: We need more blithe people to make this world a happy place.
Intrinsic Belonging to a thing by its essential nature. Synonym: Inherent Antonym: Extrinsic Sentence: Most mothers have this intrinsic need to protect their children at all costs.
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