Successful Romanian painter Mihai Teodor Olteanu was born on the 19th April 1962, Rediu village, Bira commune, Neamt county. Graduated the High School of Arts Bacau in 1980, Professor Gheorghe Velea and Pinca Petru class. One – man exhibition: Art Museum, Roman Art Museum, Roman “Alfa” Art Galleries, Piatra Neamt – Franciscan Seminar, Roman Works abroad: -In private collections from: Canada, the U.S.A, Belgium, Sweden, Iraq, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Spain Annuals of paintings, graphics and sculpture at the Art Museum in Roman; Annuals of paintings, graphics and sculpture at the Art Galleries in Bacau; Arts Salon at the House of the Army in Bucharest-the second place at the paintings section-country phase;
Arts Salon at “Venus” Galleries in Bucharest-the first prize at graphics contest-country phase; Spring Salon at the Art Museum in Piatra Neamt; Exhibition of paintings, graphics and sculpture joining the “Aurel Baesu” Association at the “George Bacovia Theatre” in Bacau; Annuals of painting, graphics and sculpture joining “Pro Arte” Club, at the Art Museum in Roman; Reverential Ehhibition”Roman 600” at the Art Museum in Roman; Annuals of paintings, graphics and sculpture at the Art Museum in Vaslui; Exhibition of paintings, graphics and sculpture joining the “Pro - Arte” Club at the Art Galleries “Lascar Vorel” in Piatra Neamt; Spring Salon at the Art Museum in Roman; Exhibition of paintings, graphics and sculpture “Plasticieni Romascani” at the Art Galleries ”Lascar Vorel” in Piatra Neamt; Annuals of paintings, graphics and sculpture at the Art Museum in Roman; Annuals of paintings, graphics and sculpture at the Art Museum in Roman Annuals of paintings, graphics and sculpture at the Art Museum in Roman.