Carl Ranger Flint Community Schools
Multiplication Chart 121? flash cards 10 times a day?
36 Facts?
11 facts!
(Doubles) 3 x 3, 4x4, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8, 9x9 leaves 30 Commutative Property: A x B = B x A so after doubles, 30/2 =15! 15 Facts?
x (N) = ? Where N= any number up to 10 Look for a pattern: Example: 9 x 7 =? First digit (10’s) is N-1 so… 7 – 1 = 6 so 6 is in the tens place Second digit is 9-N or what number + N = 9 so… 9 – 7 = 2 or = 9 so 2 is in the ones place, 72 9x1= 9x2= 9x3= 9x4= 9x5= 9x6= 9x7= 9x8= 9x9= 9x10=
With 10 fingers (including thumbs) Number them mentally from 1 to 10. Whatever number is being multiplied by 9 is the finger you bend down. The answer is: the number of fingers on the left of the bent finger becomes the tens digit and the number of fingers on the right of the bent finger becomes the one s digit. Example: 9 x 5 Bend down the fifth finger to leave 4 fingers on the left (the tens) and 5 fingers on the right (the ones) 4 5
The key to these is actually knowing the 3’s and 4’s. There are only 11 of these.
X 8 Raised fingers are 10’s and bent fingers are multiplied by each other. Example: 7x8 5 fingers raised X 10 = 50 3 fingers bent x 2 fingers bent = 6 for a total of 56. Example: 9 x 9 8 fingers raised X 10 = 80 1 finger bent x 1 finger bent = 1 for a total of 81
1. Identify which students do not know their multiplication facts fluently by giving a test (5-10seconds per fact total time) 2. Write the names down and monitor the list periodically to graduate students who can “test out”. 3.Encourage parents to practice with their students daily. 4.Reward/praise small steps forward not just total victories. 5.Use the whisper phones (if available) to practice in a large group. 6. Students who still need concrete examples and manipulatives – provide them.
Use what you know to get what you do not know Students know the 1’s, 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Use only those “easy” facts. To get 7 x 8: 1x7=7 7 2x7= x7= = (1+2+5)x7 To get 9x7: 10x7= x7= = (10-1)x7