3GPP-3GPP2 Workshop CIMS Puerto Vallarta, MEXICO, 24th – 25th January 2008 Source:Motorola Title: Title:Comparison of 3GPP2 SBBC and 3GPP PCC Agenda item:3 Document for:DISCUSSION
Comparison of 3GPP2 SBBC and 3GPP PCC Lew Milton
3GPP2 SBBC Architecture (X.S B) Application Function (AF) (e.g., P-CSCF) Home Policy & Charging Rules Function (PCRF) Charging Rules Function (CRF) Policy Decision Point (PDP) Access Gateway (AGW) Traffic Plane Function (TPF) Policy Enforcement Point (PEP) Tx Ty Visited PCRF CRF Proxy PDP Proxy Ty Home Network Visited Network
3GPP PCC Release 7 Architecture (TS ) GW Online Charging System (OCS) CAMEL SCP Gy Rx AF Gz Gx Sp PCEF Offline Charging System (OFCS) Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) Subscription Profile Repository (SPR) Service Data Flow Based Credit Control
3GPP Release 8 TS Non-roaming Architecture SGi S12 S3 S1-MME PCRF S7 S6a HSS Rx+ UE GERAN SGSN LTE-Uu ” E-UTRAN MME S11 S1-U Serving Gateway S10 UTRAN S4 PDN Gateway S5 Operator’s IP Services (e.g. IMS, PSS etc.)
3GPP Release 8 TS Roaming Architecture S6a HSS S8a S3 S1-MME S10 UTRAN GERAN SGSN MME S11 Serving Gateway UE “ LTE - Uu ” E-UTRAN S12 HPLMN VPLMN PCRF S7 Rx+ SGi Operator’s IP Services (e.g. IMS, PSS etc.) PDN Gateway S1-U S4
3GPP Release 8 TS Non-roaming Architecture SGi PCRF S7 HSS S2b Wn* Operator's IP Services (e.g. IMS, PSS etc.) Wm* Wx* Untrusted Non-3GPP IP Access Wa* HPLMN Non-3GPP Networks S6c Rx+ PDN Gateway ePDG 3GPP AAA Server S7b S2a S7a Trusted Non-3GPP IP Access Ta* S7c S5 S6a 3GPP Access Serving Gateway UE Wu*
3GPP Release 8 TS Roaming Architecture
3GPP/3GPP2 Policy Interfaces 3GPP2 SBBC Rev. B3GPP PCC Rel. 73GPP PCC Rel. 8 (23.401) 3GPP PCC Rel. 8 (23.402) AF-hPCRFTxRxRx+ hPCRF-P-GWN/A S7 hPCRF-S-GW (AGW)TyGxN/AS7c hPCRF-vPCRFTyN/AN.AS9 vPCRF-SGW (AGW)TyN/A S7c vPCRF-non3GPP AccessN/A S7a
3GPP2 vs. 3GPP Bearers 3GPP2 Bearers (HRPD, UMB) - MMD Rev. B –All bearers are UE initiated –Binding done at the Access Gateway (AGW) –TFTs sent by UE to AGW; AGW validates QoS via Ty with PCRF –AGW does per flow charging 3GPP Bearers (GPRS, UMTS) – Rel. 7 –Both UE and NW initiated bearers supported Binding done at the PCEF for NW initiated bearers Binding done at the PCRF for UE initiated bearers –GGSN sends TFTs to PCRF 3GPP Bearers (EPS) – Rel. 8 –Both UE initiated and Network initiated bearers supported –TS has bearer binding in P-GW (none at S-GW) P-GW validates TFTs with PCRF via S7 –TS has bearer binding in both the S-GW & P-GW Both S-GW and P-GW validate TFTs with PCRF via S7c/S7 –S-GW does aggregate charging for same QoS bearer, or per flow charging –P-GW does per flow charging
Recommendations 3GPP2 AGW-to-PCRF Ty interface evolves to 3GPP S7a 3GPP2 PCRF-to-PCRF Ty interface evolves to 3GPP S9 3GPP2 PCRF-to-AF Tx interface evolves to 3GPP Rx+ S7c and S7a should be closely aligned 3GPP2 access specific information should be added as a cdma2000 access specific annex to Rel. 8 TS