Component Diagram
Component diagram Show the structural relationships between components of a system Depicts how components are wired together to form larger components and or software systems Has a higher level of abstraction than a class diagram Created in DESIGN step Component Building block- usually implemented by one or more classes(or objects) at runtime Large design unit - Can be implemented as replaceable module May use “Interface” – replaceable or reusable Provides interface to another component
Component Diagram presents an early understanding of the overall system that is being built Provide architectural overview to Implementation staff and stakeholders Improve the level of understanding and communication Help Implementation staff to make roadmap for implementation, and to divide/distribute workload
Modeling components and their relationship Clients can envision the structure and the functionality in the finished system Developers have a structure to work toward Technical writers who have to provide documentation and help files can understand what they’re writing about Your are ready for reuse
Component Notation (in UML 1.x) Shows relationship between two components. In UML 1.4, a component is represented as a rectangle with two smaller rectangles protruding from its left side.
Component Notation (in UML 2.x) Interface the formal contract of services the component provides to its consumers/clients component offering service : uses provided interface Component accessing service : uses required interface
interface A set of operations that allow you to access a class’s behavior a kind of a class that only has operations (with no implementation) Classes inherit operations of interface and implement the interface
realization Relationshipe between interface and class or between interface and component Defining Object Implementing Object realization
Dependency An object or component use/execute another object or component
Provided/Required Interface the Order component provides two interfaces: OrderEntry and AccountPayable, and the Order component requires the Person interface
Interface realization
< An interface Key (i) is realized by a component Calculator and (ii) is used by a component Robot>
Component and Interface AWTEventMulticaster > ItemListener itemStateChanged() AWTEventMulticaster ItemListener AWTEventMulticaster ItemListener checkbox AWTEventMulticaster > ItemListener itemStateChanged() checkbox Interface is defined in a rectangle realizationdependency
Component’s internal structure When a component is composed of other components port Port : ports provide a way to model how a component's provided/required interfaces relate to its internal parts the OrderEntry port delegates to the Order component's OrderEntry interface for processing
Deployment Diagram
Showing the structure of physical system How the pieces of hardware connect to each other Node Hardware Item (computing resource) Represented as cube Connection Connect two nodes Doesn’t need to be wire or cable Useful for modeling network
Connecting two devices
Deployment Diagram of home system
Deployment diagram example