First Days of Seminary Brother Richards Sit anywhere you’d like today! Oh– and go grab your scriptures too.
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Meet the Richards
Elder Henry B. Eyring Elder Henry B. Eyring (video – on the S&I website)
“Learning by faith requires spiritual, mental, and physical exertion and not just passive reception.” Elder David A. Bednar
What do you want out of Seminary?
What does He want you to get out of Seminary?
The Role of the Holy Ghost John 14:26-27 (NT,p.1353) 2 Timothy 1:7 (NT,p.1513) Mosiah 5:2 (BOM,p.157) Doctrine and Covenants 84:85 (D&Cp.159) Doctrine and Covenants 6:22-23 (D&Cp.11)
Learning by the Spirit D&C 50:17-18 The Holy Ghost The Student The Teacher
Learning by the Spirit D&C 50:17-18 The Holy Ghost The Student The Teacher
Learning by the Spirit D&C 50:17-18 The Holy Ghost The Student The Teacher
Learning by the Spirit D&C 50:17-18 The Holy Ghost The Student The Teacher
Learning by the Spirit D&C 50:17-18 The Holy Ghost The Student The Teacher
Learning by the Spirit D&C 50:17-18 The Holy Ghost The Student The Teacher
Learning by the Spirit D&C 50:14,22 The Holy Ghost The Student The Teacher
Opportunities Scripture Mastery Hymns and Music Prayer Devotionals Conversations Scripture Block
Look For Random thoughts Feelings in heart - joy, peace, happiness Questions
What to do… Slow down and listen Silent Prayer Ask, ‘What does this mean? Ask, ‘What should I do’ Ask, ‘Why did I feel that way?’ Ask, ‘Is there more?’ (Brother of Jared)
Doctrines of The Holy Ghost “The Holy Ghost is as delicate as a moonbeam; it’s as fragile as an orchid. If you allow yourself to be angry, if you are studying the wrong kind of subjects (texting?), if you are engaging in sinful practices, there is nothing that will be more deadening as to take away the Spirit of the Lord from you.” (President Boyd K. Packer)
The Holy Ghost is challenged if… If we text or listen to music If we arrive late, rushing in If we don’t use our scriptures If we’re not unified or focused If we come in doubting