ND Community Call Salmon Community July 16, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

ND Community Call Salmon Community July 16, 2014

2 Agenda  Roll Call  Video Discussion: Implications of The New GED  What’s New: NDTAC Program Highlights  Preparing for the NDTAC Conference

3 Video Discussion  New GED Test May be Harder for Poor New GED Test May be Harder for Poor  Reactions?  What impact will the new GED have in your state?  What technical assistance could you provide your subgrantees to help students prepare for the new GED?

4 Implications of The New GED Potential issues Title I, Part D Programs may face with the new GED:  Administering the GED now requires a computer  The difficulty of the GED has increased  The cost of the GED has increased

5 GED Resources  FAQs:   GED Testing Service Webinar Series:  Inside Look: 2014 GED Program (GED Testing Service) Inside Look: 2014 GED Program (GED Testing Service)  Exploring the Science Module of the 2014 GED® Test Exploring the Science Module of the 2014 GED® Test  Exploring the Reasoning through Language Arts Module of the 2014 GED® Test Exploring the Reasoning through Language Arts Module of the 2014 GED® Test  Exploring the Social Studies Module of the 2014 GED® Test Exploring the Social Studies Module of the 2014 GED® Test  Other Videos:  Students Adjusting To New GED Students Adjusting To New GED  Preparing Low Level Learners for the GED Test Preparing Low Level Learners for the GED Test

6 Computer Format of the 2014 GED What is the test format? The test is on computer. Note: Most correctional institutions will be offering the 2014 GED® test on computer. Certain institutions, however, may be granted a waiver to continue administering the 2002 Series test on paper for a limited period of time while they improve their computer infrastructure. Check with your local GED Administrator™ for more information on the Transitional Waiver Program in your jurisdiction and institution. Is keyboarding speed an issue? How does this influence test time? The time given is adequate for students to construct their answer and key in their response. Field testing has demonstrated that even test- takers with minimal keyboarding skills have adequate time.

7 Computer Format of the 2014 GED Will there still be multiple versions (forms) of each subject test? Yes, as in any high quality standardized testing program, multiple equivalent forms of the test will be administered to test-takers to ensure that test security is maintained and to offer multiple testing opportunities to test-takers who might not pass on their first attempt. The 2014 GED ® test offers three forms in English and three forms in Spanish.

8 Difficulty of the 2014 GED STANDARDIZATION, NORMING, AND PASSING STANDARDS How hard is the test? The test is aligned with today's high school standards. The difficulty level needed to pass the GED ® test is the same difficulty level as needed to pass high school today. Since the test is being normed on high school graduates, will there be much of a difference in passing rates? The Passing Standard for high school equivalency was set based on the performance of a national sample of high school graduates from the class of The cut score for high school equivalency was set at a performance level such that the passing rates on the individual content-area tests are comparable to those that are currently in place for the 2002 Series GED ® Test. The Passing Standard on each content area test has been established at a scaled score of 150 on a scale of 100 to 200.

9 Cost of the 2014 GED PRICING What is the price breakdown per test? The 2014 GED ® test including all the standard elements of the 2014 GED ® program costs jurisdictions $30 per each of the 4 modules, for a total of $120. The price that test-takers pay is set by jurisdictions, and varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. For more information about the complete 2014 GED ® program, visit our web site at Is there funding available to help offset the costs? Studies conducted in 2011 by GED Testing Service demonstrated that funding to help students offset the cost of testing is available from a variety of sources nationwide.

GED in the Correctional Setting Any comments regarding limitations or accommodations for testing in corrections? Most correctional institutions will be offering the 2014 GED® test on computer. Certain institutions, however, may be granted a waiver to continue administering the 2002 Series test on paper for a limited period of time while they improve their computer infrastructure. Check with your local GED Administrator™ for more information on the Transitional Waiver Program in your jurisdiction and institution. Will the web resources be downloadable for correctional education? Yes.

GED in the Correctional Setting How long will correctional facilities have before they will be required to offer computer based testing? This decision is being made on a case-by-case basis based on waiver applications submitted by jurisdictions to the GED Testing Service. Check with your local GED Administrator™ for more information on the Transitional Waiver Program in your jurisdiction and institution. What about programs for those incarcerated and computers are not an option because of security? Most prisons will be able to offer the test on computer. Prisons not able to offer computer-based testing will continue to offer the 2002 Series GED® Test on paper for a limited approved amount of time. Check with your local GED Administrator™ for more information on the Transitional Waiver Program in your jurisdiction and institution.

GED in the Correctional Setting Will students from the correctional education setting be included in norming sample this year? The test has been normed on a national sample of high school graduates from the class of As such, students from corrections, who are typically adults, were not included in this sample. Can practice tests for corrections be used in the classroom or only in testing area? Practice tests in corrections or otherwise may be used in an instructional setting, keeping in mind that for the score to be truly predictive of how a student will score on the operational test the administration conditions need to be as similar as possible to an actual testing environment. Will there be an offline version of the 2014 GED ® test tutorial? Yes, there is an offline version of the tutorial for use in corrections.

13 What’s New: NDTAC Products

14 What’s New: NDTAC Products

15 What’s New: NDTAC Products

16 Preparing for the NDTAC Conference What to Bring  Laptop/tablet for hands-on activities (e.g. data workshop, breakout sessions)  Umbrella (Don’t say we didn’t warn you!)  Optional:  Running clothes and shoes (Liann will lead a Tuesday evening sightseeing run through DC)  Comfortable summer clothes (Lauren will lead a group to Screen on the Green to view the Karate Kid on the National Mall with a picnic dinner courtesy of Hill Country BBQ)Screen on the GreenHill Country BBQ  Walking shoes (Lauren will lead a Tuesday evening moonlight monument tour)

17 Preparing for the NDTAC Conference Please be prepared to discuss:  Your state TIPD priorities for (1) neglect and (2) JJ (These may or may not be in your state plan)  What kind of neglect programs are you funding? Are you using Part A and/or Part D funds for those programs? What are the programs doing to serve these youth?  What kind of at-risk programs are you funding? What are the programs doing to serve these youth?

18 Preparing for the NDTAC Conference Please be prepared to discuss:  What kind of delinquent programs are you funding? What kinds of supplemental services are they providing?  Demographic characteristics (e.g., rough percentage of girls, LEP, students with disabilities, Black students, Hispanic students, American Indian/Alaska Native students, Asian/Pacific Islander, out of state placements) of the student populations you are serving: 1.neglect institutions 2.JJ institutions