AEPS Structure and Scoring Week 4
Organizational Structure of AEPS ® Items AREA STRAND A STRAND B Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Obj. 2.1 Obj. 2.3Obj. 1.2Obj. 2.2 Obj. 1.1Obj. 2.2 Obj. 1.2 Obj. 3.1Obj. 2.1Obj. 1.1 Obj 2.3Obj. 3.2Obj. 1.3 Strands: Easy to More DifficultGoals: Easy to More Difficult Objectives become more difficult as the goal is approached.
Strand AStrand BStrand C Goal 1Goal 2Goal 3 Objective 3Objective 2Objective 1 Difficult! Easy!
Gross Motor Sample
Scoring Option: 2 Consistently performs as specified in the criterion Performs the item independently Behavior is a functional part of the child’s daily routine Child uses the skill across time, materials, settings, and people
Scoring Option: 1 Performs the skill inconsistently as specified in the criterion Performs the item with assistance Performs only parts of the stated criterion (i.e., the skill is emerging) Performs the item under specific situations or conditions
Scoring Option: 0 Does not yet perform the item as specified in the criterion even with repeated opportunities or assistance or when modification are made Child was not observed performing the item because it is not expected based upon knowledge of development
Relationship between Goals and Objectives Developmental goals and associated objectives Organized in a developmental hierarchy Objectives are in a developmental order – sequence Goal is the culminating skill Additive goals and associated objectives Related in terms of being parts of a whole Objectives are the equal parts Goal is the whole (sum or combination of the parts)
Example of Developmental Goal
Developmental Goal Goal Objective
Additive Goal
Objective All pieces together = Goal
Scoring Decisions If either type of goal is a 2, then all associated objectives can be scored a 2 If an additive goal is scored a 0, then all associated objectives can be scored a 0. If a developmental goal is scored a 0, then look at the next objective As soon as an objective is scored a 2, then all remaining objectives are scored a 2
Scoring Options for Developmental Goals PG 195 Vol 2 Level 2 Social Strand A Goal
Scoring Options for Additive Goals PG 195 Vol 2 Level 2 Social Strand A Goal
The criterion for the Goal is to do all 5 objectives as the situation arises
Debrief Score Ellie Enter Scores into AEPSi Post questions, thoughts, comments in the discussion Complete the online survey (survey monkey) Add Susan and Teresa to the child for your case study Participate throughout the week